Reinventing the Market Research Function
In a disruptive era of change, old-fashioned intuition still counts.
The Big Reset
Pharm Exec's 2010 crystal ball reveals an industry in upheaval on many fronts. Is going back to the future the answer?
Pharmaceutical Executive Digital Edition - January 2010
First, Do No Harm...
Designing and deploying company copay offset programs without devaluing the brand.
War Games 2.0
Competitive simulations can help pharma adjust to market changes by identifying effective action steps.
The Big Shift
Pharma must confront regulatory and marketing challenges in a global competitive environment.
Build a Better Lunch Table
In a new era of research partnerships, targeted information databases can improve collaborative decision making and speed new medicines to market.
Definitions for the New Decade
Pharma must get its definitions right to be successful in the new decade.
Patient Partnerships Under Scrutiny
New tools are beig applied to make patient advocacy powerful and measurable.