Pharm Exec Author Guidelines


Be a Contributor to Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharm Exec’s mission is to serve as a forum where industry leaders can exchange opinions, experiences, and insights about innovative business and marketing ideas, strategies, and tactics. We welcome—and regularly publish—articles written by members of the pharmaceutical community. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about writing for Pharm Exec.

How can I submit an article or podcast pitch/abstract?

Use this form to submit your article/podcast proposals.

What are your sharing policies?

If you have contributed an article to our publication or if you have been interviewed for an article, podcast, or another opportunity, please be aware of our sharing policy:

  • Companies can provide a short summary of the article, video, or podcast on social media or their website (approximately 50 words) with a link to Pharmaceutical Executive’s website. (We encourage sharing!)
  • Companies cannot run the full article, video, or podcast (or significant parts of it) on their website or social media and cannot use any of the images from the article (except headshots, of course).
  • Companies cannot post the Pharmaceutical Executive logo on their website, social media, etc.
  • For print articles: If a company would like a PDF or rights to reprint the article in its entirety, a reprint agreement must be purchased.

What is the magazine looking for?

With a focus on the latest commercial insights for the C-suite in the pharmaceutical industry, Pharm Exec publishes articles about strategy and tactics in the areas of bio/pharmaceutical enterprise management; R&D strategies (no operational topics); product management; global marketing and advertising; regulatory affairs; sales management; customer communication tools; business, legal, and financial issues; trends; and the industry’s relation with the healthcare delivery system.

We are especially eager to publish articles that document proven innovations, with specific references to pharmaceutical companies and products. Some of our most successful contributed pieces have been based on original research conducted by companies. In addition, we are always looking for analyses of trends and issues in pharma.

What is the magazine not looking for?

Three types of stories seem to create the most confusion. Pharm Exec does not publish 1) scientific papers on pharmacology, 2) general articles about management techniques with no specific reference to the pharmaceutical industry, and 3) articles that directly promote the author’s products or services.

Can vendors write for Pharm Exec?

Yes. Our experience is that consultants, technology vendors, outsourced service providers, agencies, and other organizations have valuable insights to contribute to our readers. Articles by vendors must be strictly nonpromotional.

How long should articles be?

Usually, it is best if contributors write as much as a topic dictates and let us worry about finding a spot for it in the magazine. However, here are some rough guidelines:

  • Columns: 650-1,300 words
  • Features: 2,000+ words
  • Our back page, usually devoted to opinion, is approximately 650 words

Remember that most articles change length in the course of editing.

What is the submission procedure for articles and/or podcasts?

Please fill out our editorial inquiry form.

In most cases, you will hear back from us within 30-90 days if we are considering a proposal for an article or podcast. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee publication based on a proposal or outline. In some cases, an article that has been accepted (or even edited) may go unpublished.

How should manuscripts be submitted?

Once a proposal, outline, or abstract has been accepted, the author will be asked to send a Microsoft Word file of the article via e-mail. Please avoid complex formatting in the article. Charts, graphs, figures, and photos should be submitted as separate attachments (hi-res or 300 DPI) with captions in a separate Word document.

We can work with most common formats, including PowerPoint slides and PDF documents. Our art department will work with you on submitting photos electronically.

Include complete contact information, including mailing address and phone number, in the article file as well as in your e-mail message.

If you are required to put your article through review with your employer prior to publication, please let us know at the time of submission so that we can budget an appropriate amount of time.

What is the editing procedure?

Most articles go through at least one rewrite, guided by questions and comments from our editors. We also provide vigorous line-editing via Microsoft Word's Track Changes to improve the readability of an article. Substantive edits are reviewed with authors. Minor style changes and cuts for length generally are not. Our lead time from acceptance to publication is approximately 60-90 days, though the timing may vary.

Who owns the copyright to the article?

The author. MJH Life Sciences, the publisher of Pharm Exec, owns the copyright to our editing and the laid-out pages that appear in the magazine. Authors are asked to give permission to use the article, on an exclusive basis, in ancillary settings, such as on our website, in reprints, and in databases such as Lexis/Nexis. We use a standard license agreement form, and because of the volume of material published, we are currently unable to negotiate agreements case by case.

What are some hints for success?

As much as possible, talk about your experience rather than pure theory. Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Write the way you’d talk with a minimum of jargon.

Near the beginning of the article, include a paragraph that states your intentions. Don’t be subtle about it. For example: “This article will...” is fine.

Include quotations from other people. Additional voices and perspectives always make articles stronger. Break out relevant subtopics as sidebars or boxes—which will improve how the story looks and reads in the magazine.

Finally, remember that you’re writing for people who face many of the same problems you do. Write something that will help them.

Where can I access the editorial calendar?

Please download our media kit to access the editorial calendar.

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