The Road to Digital Transformation: Roles and Requirements for Organizational Success
A panel of pharma digital leaders discusses pathways for technology and data scale-up—and the skills, mindset, and C-suite influence needed to drive true digital transformation.
A Fortuitous, Rewarding Path
Early career ‘assist’ ignites calling in data and healthcare disruption.
The Power of Giving Back
Learning from others and leading by example provides full-circle success.
Restless for Results
Going all-in on accelerating the promise of cell therapy at larger scale.
On the Fast Track
Script change from destined life in research to wild pace of biotech pays off.
Inspiring Greatness in Others
From big pharma to underdog biotech, a mission to empower.
Access and Altruism
Applying a love for numbers in tackling drug-access delays around the world.
A Drug Developer at Heart
Bridging science and business with the end user in mind.
An Eye for Marketing, Mentorship
Excelling in specialty launch while paying it forward.
Bullish on Breakthroughs
A passion for building the business engine behind treatments for rare disease.
Incremental Biotech Not Enough
Throwback scientist and entrepreneur leads quest to maximize gains in population health.
Think Big, Act Small
Startup CEO touts immunology technology to cure cancer and more.
Innovation Without Bounds
Launching a big pharma biotech incubator during the pandemic.
Inquiry-Based Leadership
Academic-focused leader advocates questioning and communicating to advance science.
Pharmaceutical Executive's 2021 Emerging Pharma Leaders
Pharm Exec profiles 13 diverse leaders vital to the future of the biopharma industry.
How Does it Feel When You Literally Can Change the World?
Adding context to Pfizer’s orbit-busting, first-quarter earnings.
Digital Health at the Heart of the Matter
Amgen is collaborating on two digital health initiatives aimed at improving heart failure care and rehabilitation.
How to Bridge Generation Gaps in the Workplace
A deeper understanding of the differing age-group dynamics is key.
What’s to Come for HTA Legislation and Collaboration?
The progress and stumbling blocks in building a formal EU system.
Pharm Exec at 40 (1994-1996)
Looking Back at 1994–1996.
The Many Paths to Leadership
Pharm Exec's 2021 class of EPL winners showcase the many career trajectories through biopharma.
Pharmaceutical Executive, May 2021 Issue (PDF)
Click the title above for a link to open the Pharmaceutical Executive May 2021 issue in an interactive PDF format.
FDA, Industry Move to Finalize New Drug User Fee Programs
Pressure on to advance the three separate fee plans.
Changing the Digital Health Playing Field: A New Era
The shift to clinical-grade support offers great opportunity.