CRM The "Ecosystem" Difference
August 1st 2002Successful pharmaceutical sales and marketing organizations operate much like healthy ecosystems: each interdependent group fills a critical need for the company's growth and survival. (See "Sales and Marketing Ecosystem," ) Yet many pharma com-panies can barely sustain past growth performance, let alone attain a higher level. If the trend continues unchecked, several pharma companies could falter.
House Adopts Medicare Rx Benefit
August 1st 2002The House leadership collected just enough votes in late June to approve a Medicare reform bill that provides some coverage of pharmaceuticals for seniors. Democrats rebuked the measure as a scam and a fraud; some conservatives complained that it opened the door to a costly new entitlement.
Attack Continues on Pharma Prices
August 1st 2002In case anyone missed the recent wave of studies and reports documenting rising expenditures on medicines, Families USA weighed in with an analysis that further documents rising prices of medicines prescribed for the elderly. The report surfaced just before the US House of Representatives voted on a Medicare pharmacy benefit and was timed to influence that debate.