If It Walks Like a Duck
Dietary supplements function like drugs and are marketed like drugs. They should be regulated like ducks.
Coverage Vs. Control
Pressure to expand healthcare puts drug pricing, marketing, and innovation on the negotiating table.
Lemonade 101
Business schools must prepare students for the post-recession economy, not teach them principles applicable to 2003.
Betting the Pharma
With the biotech industry reeling from the recession, big drugmakers hold all the cards when it comes to making deals, but picking a winner is still a gamble. Here are 10 to place stakes on.
With One Voice
In an era of blurred channels and information clutter, it is critical for brand managers to develop a unified strategy that bridges the gaps between audiences.
Sweeten the Pill
Through innovative patient compliance programs, manufacturers are taking steps to meet the needs of patients and the pharma industry.