Lean Comes to Pharma
The business philosophy and tools that revolutionized Toyota could save the ailing drug industry a lot more than just time and money. But is pharma really capable of getting lean?
Free the Reps
Last year 90,000 pharma sales reps stopped in at hospitals and doctors' offices to woo doctors and dish out free samples. What would happen if they all went away? The answer is simple: everyone would be better off.
Risk and Restrictions
FDA and Congress weigh policies for improving drug safety via ads and written information.
Marketing's Stepchild No More
In today's "show me the money" marketplace, reimbursement strategy must innvolve more than seeking a good price based on ability to pay.
Reckless Abandonment
Executives should embrace design to discover new markets and find new ways to server customers.
The Incredible Shrinking Margin?
Emerging country markets are the new black in great expectations for pharma.
Time to Step Up
The economy is turning around; leaders need to position their companies now for the market bounce.
Talk of the Town
Conversational marketing is a great resource for understanding and influencing physician–patient dialogues in the emerging healthcare environment.
The Healthcare Thicket
Despite its success as a proponent of reform, the drug industry, whose main offering is a product easily siloed against other health services, remains vulnerable.
The Zen Approach to Transforming the Traditional Sales Model
Don't throw the sales force out with the bathwater. Accomplish more with fewer reps, less money and little effort. Impossible? Read on...