New Report Shows AI Improved Treatments for Biofilm Infections


The technology was used to develop new peptides.

The pharmaceutical industry hasn’t been shy about adopting AI. The algorithmic technology has existed for several years at this point, but it took the world by storm in 2023. During that year, a variety of major AI platforms were introduced to the public and immediately began attracting attention.

While these platforms are far from perfect, many people still began finding unique uses for them. In the pharma industry, AI seemed very quickly felt like a perfect fit for marketing teams, who could use generative algorithms to help refine materials and use other platforms to help improve their schedules and client lists.

On the drug development side, however, researchers discovered that these algorithms could be used in a variety of ways. Due to the way that they process data, they’re very helpful for cataloging, sorting, and storing data in a uniform, easy to access way. While many in the industry seemed to agree that the technology could be helpful, we’re only now starting to see direct results from these use cases.

Asep Medical Holdings Inc. CEO Dr. Bob Hancock gave a presentation to the US Biophysical Society in Philadelphia in March, 2024, about how the use of AI directly resulted in the development of new and improved treatments for biofilm infections. In a press release,1 the company details how a neural network AI was used to predict new peptides that had the potential to achieve higher activity against biofilms.

In the press release, Hancock said, “We have harnessed AI to diagnose sepsis. Sepsis is a severe disease responsible for one in five deaths worldwide1 and essentially all deaths from pandemic microbes like COVID-19. It is critical to identify sepsis as early as possible due to the 7.6% increased risk of death10 for every hour of delay in diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment. No conventional assay exists that accurately predicts sepsis onset in the first hours after a patient enters the hospital. Asep scientists have found that SepsetER can predict whether a patient will subsequently acquire sepsis in 9 out of 10 patients in the ICU and 7 of 10 patients in the emergency department, based on analysis of company and published data.”

Dr. Evan Haney, chief scientific officer at Asep, also said, “We use AI daily as a valuable tool in the battle against antibiotic failure to solve problems that have defied conventional methods. While others are trying to figure out how AI can be best used, we are already using it with amazing success in diagnostics and therapeutics. Asep Inc. is dedicated to leveraging AI's power to improve human health.”


  1. Asep Medical Confirms the Use of AI–Enables Improved Treatments for Common Biofilm Infections and Rapid Sepsis Diagnostics.ASEP Medical Holdings Inc. March 13, 2024. Accessed March 15, 2024.
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