AI’s Impact on CEO/Founder Sustainability


In this Pharmaceutical Executive video interview, Kaveh Vahdat, Founder and President of RiseOpp, discusses the impact AI will have on thelong-term well-being of founders and CEOs.

As AI continues to become an increasingly valuable tool at the C-suite level, both in and out of office, how do you envision this shift impacting the long-term well-being and sustainability of founders and CEOs?

I think in the short term is going to help in the long term, I have to think about it and I'm going to tell you about my perspective upon it. So, in the short term, what's going to happen is that CEOs are repeat jobs, a lot of reporting, presentations, a lot of things that they need attention, a lot of emails that they should prepare said, and which each one takes time, right. And while this is sometimes you see, like a CEO, most of their time is gone through those things instead of like setting the strategies or instead of thinking about higher level stuff. Now, of course, you could always have really smart execs cube assistants to help you with that, which, essentially, that's the role of gentle AI right now. So that can that's that if you know how to work with it, that can be the role for you. And it could add up to the executive assistants that you have. Or if you don't have one, it could count as one. You can even brainstorm with it.

But overall, what it does is that your repeat tasks become much, much easier if you know how to use just in general generative AI as foundational, like basically knowledge and also different tools. I mean, and then there are lots of tools, by the way. I mean, over last year alone, there were over 10,000, new generative AI, software and tools and really launched Yeah, so it's like really like it's going massively like in our mind company basically rise up, what we have done is that I have one person that basically I, I help them with that too, until they find all the tools. And they basically get they go record videos of tools, like five-minute videos, and send me so and then basically, that way I can be in the loop of like, the new tools because it's like, over 10,002 is more than like any CEO can handle even like so that's another thing that you have to like, that's the part that can bring you pressure. Okay, so what are you using? Right? So, like, what, but going back to like your question, so short term, how CEOs that can use generative AI, they are going to definitely have an edge and they are going to help them with the basically work life balance is going to decrease the stress because now they can meet the deadlines, etc.

Now, long term, it may change the overall working landscape. Now, everyone now, or most people know how to use it. Most people are then now it may be expected to do like 10 times more with the same time. And who knows what happens to the work life balance of everyone and including C suite at that point. And while I mean, it would be a time, it could be a time for sure that AI can do virginity AI can do like in general AI, not just your AI can do most of the things that CEOs and everyone else can do. So, and then what happens to the overall culture. And then overall, the sense of value, I mean, even like, of humans, like so we be a lot of times you are identified by/we identify ourselves with how we work, right? So, a lot of times or what we do, and okay, so what happens then AI can do what we do 100 times better. And that's across the board. That’s a longer-term question. I would say like shorter term, it can help.

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