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Beyond the Birthrate: The Societal Costs of Maternal Mortality


Head of Medical Affairs and Outcomes Research at Organon, Charlotte Owens, MD, FACOG, discusses the most critical changes needed to close the gaps in R&D for maternal health solutions and how feasible they are to make.

Charlotte Owens, MD, FACOG, Head of Medical Affairs and Outcomes Research at Organon discusses:

  • The broader societal implications of these maternal health issues highlighted in The Commonwealth Fund study
  • The most critical changes needed to close the gaps in R&D for maternal health solutions and how feasible they are to make
  • Specific efforts Organon is undertaking to invest in research, education, and its pipeline to focus on critical areas of need in maternal health
  • How her in-practice experience as an OB-GYN are informing Organon's strategic approach to addressing maternal health challenges
  • and more!
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