Don’t get left behind: How to operationalize Part D rebate reform


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*** Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 11am EST| 8am PST| 4pm GMT| 5pm CET*** With a change to Medicare Part D supporting point-of-sale discounts, drug manufacturers have a short time to learn how to maximize rebate reform through effective chargeback administration. ***On demand available after final airing until Feb. 17, 2022***

Don’t get left behind: How to operationalize Part D rebate reform

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Event Overview:

The pharmaceutical industry, facing a barrage of criticism over purportedly high list prices on drugs, has spent significant political capital educating policymakers on the link between increasing drug discounts and the increase in list prices. In the final weeks of the Trump Administration, HHS-OIG released a final rule amending the anti-kickback statute safe harbors, including revisions meant to shift the application of negotiated price reductions on Medicare Part D drugs to the time the drug is dispensed by the pharmacy (or point-of-sale), rather than when the utilization is captured by the PBM—with the goal of lowering beneficiaries’ out of pocket cost. As anticipated, the PBM industry is challenging the final rule in court, and while still litigating the case on its merits, the government has agreed to delay the implementation of these revisions until January 1, 2023. Regardless how this litigation plays out, there is momentum behind ensuring drug discounts are applied at the point-of-sale. Now, it is up to manufacturers and their channel partners to figure out how.

3 Key Take-aways:

In this webcast, we will:

• Review the requirements of the final rule

• Explore different models for how point-of-sale discounts may be implemented

• Examine other considerations, like how to prevent 340B duplicate discounts in a point-of-sale discount environment

Speakers: Jeremy Docken, CEO, Kalderos

Trevor Wear, Partner, Austin LLP

Time and Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 11am EST| 8am PST| 4pm GMT| 5pm CET

On demand available after final airing until Feb. 17, 2022

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