EGA Calls for Removal of Barriers to Generics in Europe


Pharmaceutical Executive

Adrian van den Hoven, Director General of the European Generics Association (EGA), this week called for the removal of barriers to generic medicines across the European Union.

Adrian van den Hoven, Director General of the European Generics Association (EGA), this week called for the removal of barriers to generic medicines across the European Union.

Speaking at the 5th Bruges European Business Conference, van den Hoven maintained that the move would be in the interest of creating a pro-competitive pharmaceutical market in the EU and fostering sustainable competition.

He underlined the crucial role for Europe as a strong EU pharmaceutical export base, to be achieved through regulatory convergence with key trade partners and regulatory approximation in the EU with developing and emerging countries.

The Bruges conference was hosted by the College of Europe and included representatives from the European institutions, national governments and academia, and business leaders from all industrial sectors. Speakers included Dr. Wolfgang Schauble, German Minister of Finance and Prof. Mario Monti, former European Commissioner and Italian Prime Minister.

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