Engaging with Oncology Providers in a Virtual World


*** Live: Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 at 2pm EDT | 1pm CDT | 11am PDT*** E Get a behind the scenes look into the community oncology provider world through the COVID-19 emergence. Understand provider education needs and preferences and formulate effective strategies to deliver education most adapted to their needs in a virtual world. ***On demand available after final airing until Oct. 29, 2021***

Virtual Marketing Do’s & Don’ts: How to Reach the Right Audience with Targeted Pharma Marketing During COVID-19

Register free: https://www.pharmexec.com/pe_w/enganing_oncology_providers

Event Overview:

2020 has been a unique and challenging year for all of us, including patients, providers and biopharma companies. With the emergence of COVID-19, providers had to quickly adjust to a new world, and rethink procedures to safely deliver patient care. Similarly, and consequently, biopharma companies had to reevaluate their traditional educational or promotional approaches and explore new ways to engage with providers. Please join Claude Bergeron, VP of Provider Education and Engagement at McKesson as he discusses the journey of community oncology providers from the early days of COVID-19 to today, their challenges, education needs and preferences, as well as key considerations and best practices for successful provider engagement in this new virtual world.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the community oncology provider journey and challenges through the emergence of COVID-19
  • Review education needs and preferences among community oncology providers
  • Explore key considerations and best practices around community oncology provider engagement

Speaker: Claude Bergeron, Vice President, Provider Education & Engagement, McKesson Data, Evidence & Insights

Time and Date: Thursday, Oct. 29, 2020 at 2pm EDT | 1pm CDT | 11am PDT

On demand available after final airing until Oct. 29, 2021

Register free: https://www.pharmexec.com/pe_w/enganing_oncology_providers

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