Market Access And Treatment Outcomes


Brand Insights - Thought Leadership | Paid Program

Shifting from the volume of data to the value of insights

Former US Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop once aphoristically said, “The best prescription is knowledge.” This thought permeates much of what drives market access, but it is missing the essential word of the sentence, and that is “Insightful” knowledge.

Dr. Koop practiced medicine during a time when information was limited to individual practices and groups. Today, hospital systems, payers, and pharmaceutical firms have access to excessive amounts of data—and it is our task to turn this volume into something accurate and actionable, something of value. Additional challenges coincide with data saturation as well. A cacophony of voices sharing both true and false information has led to a more discerning but often anxious patient base; payer groups are reconsidering accessibility and reimbursement procedures in light of consolidation; and the cost of pharmaceutical research has expanded in a parallel fashion with increasing drug complexity. Market access seeks to align these outwardly disparate concerns using technology and tools like ACTICS, and for those with the creativity and adaptability necessary to succeed in this task, the end result is better patient outcomes.

Manufacturers are embracing knowledge to ensure quality of care

Over the past decade, data and knowledge have increasingly been used in decisions, and tactics have been employed to improve patient outcomes. Manufacturers in particular have taken a keen interest in patient experience programs—a comprehensive suite of coordinated and intertwined services that are as important to a brand as the individual campaigns themselves.

What begins with market research and insights, clinical trial patient enrollment, and medical information and pharmacovigilance doesn’t end with a written prescription. To successfully treat patients and deliver value, manufacturers need to do more. From patient CRM platforms to behavioral health, text message support services, in-home nursing, and available nurse practitioner phone support, medication campaigns are far more than a set of colors and taglines used in a CVA. These programs give patients the opportunity to be accountable with their own health, and they give manufacturers direct communication and data access. Working with a partner who can embrace the way payer stakeholders think will allow patient access programs to thrive.

Knowledge from health economics and real-world experience to demonstrate value

Changes in today’s healthcare landscape place a greater importance on integrated, real-world evidence synthesized for actionable insights and decision-making. Value-based care demands that manufacturers demonstrate economic and clinical value to improve patient outcomes while identifying opportunities to lower the total cost of care. Integrating health economics and real-world evidence starts at the beginning of a medication’s lifecycle. This continues with patient-experience programs through data collection, patient enrollment and, ultimately, sustained adherence.

Quality of care starts with accurate knowledge

Genuine outreach leading to better patient outcomes requires a deep understanding and expertise of the payer landscape and innovative patient relationship management. Technology has given a tremendous opportunity to recruit patients not only for clinical trials but also for ongoing service and support. Patients are online and connected—more accessible by technology than through traditional channels of engagement.

It is essential for manufacturers to work with a partner that understands the payer landscape—a partner that can effectively break down the complexity of reimbursement with traditional payers and new, evolving models of care. The ability to provide high levels of strategic support in combination with tactical execution excellence will enhance all patient access and reimbursement programs. Payers, just as patients and HCPs, need education on novel therapies.

Market access partnerships and quality of care

Just as healthcare has evolved from pen and paper, volume-based care to complex data collection, value-based care, successful manufacturers are supporting patients, providers, and payers with accurate knowledge and precise data. These strategies provide the best results when they start at the beginning of a product’s development and run through commercialization. This includes offering patients more say and accountability, resulting in a higher quality of life and better treatment adherence. Innovation in the marketplace will continue its drive forward, changing the way we approach healthcare and ultimately leading to improved clinical and financial outcomes.

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