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How Moderna is Implementing AI and ChatGPT


In this part of his Pharmaceutical Executive video interview, Brice Challamel, Vice President, AI Products & Platforms, Moderna, discusses how AI, specifically GPTs, have had a significant impact on Moderna's mission.

Beyond Dose ID, What other areas within Moderna is AI, specifically GPTs, expected to have a significant impact on, and how will these applications contribute to Moderna's mission?

It is a challenge to frame a field of application. At face value, it can do almost anything. And especially the new breed of AI that is generative AI can have conversations on almost any topic. And so, one of the first questions we asked ourselves is, is why we'll restrict it. Think of it in terms of electricity. Let's say we were provided with electricity for the first time and as to find an application for it. Would we give electricity to production? Would we give it too legal? Would we give it to HR? Would we keep it at Digital? You know, I'm not sure this would fly. And of course, nowadays, everyone is enjoying it. And few people ever ask questions about why did you give them electricity? Right? But the same could be said about computing. We don't have laptops, to privilege people in one part of the company or another. We think that everyone deserves to be augmented with computing, and to have the ability to exchange emails and to work on documents and to formalize the way they are thinking through the fantastic tool that is personal computing. And so very soon realized that AI was in the same cluster of foundational technologies that had universal applications.

So, we made the conscious decision to not restrict it to one part of the company or another. So, the way that we have found greatness in AI, very, very quickly, because of the champions that we have, and from contests that we organized, was both horizontal and vertical. So horizontal is applications that everyone should be aware of and could use in their daily work things like meeting coaches, right, an AI agent, or GPT. can look at the transcript from a meeting. And then coach you in your presence in that meeting. How did you handle the timing of the meeting, how was the time of speech distributed among participants was someone probably feeling left out by what they said or the way that they were getting the middle of a sentence or not? So, it's one thing to use AI for meeting minutes and action items. It's a whole other degree, to use it to hold a mirror to yourself and how you behaved in that meeting. And to get some coaching and mentoring on how to organize collaboration even better.

Another example would be data and data visualization. It's very easy to provide data to an agent, and to get an agent to extract insight out of this in every field of the company and to provide GPT to that effect. So, a couple of examples there on being more collaborative, being more data driven, which are very universal, and whichever one can use. And we have GPS for those which have very high level of usage because a lot of people in every field of the company use them. Now there's the other dimension, which we mentioned, which is vertical. There, GPT is in the field of legal.

We talked publicly about the contract companion, which probably is going to be more useful for people who have interaction with contracting, of course. But this is not only people in Eagle, but the main users of our contract companion are also actually the people in procurement because they are a very large number of people. We have large teams in charge of procurement. They have to contract July's procurement agreements with third party vendors. And before we had GTs, they needed to go back and forth the legal team to validate that this contract meets our standards. And now they can have a first response that covers 95% of it. Go back to the procurement, you know, counterpart to their provider asked for redactions or improvements. And then when the GPT says by our standard from the knowledge base, this looks really fine. We can send it to legal and illegal reviews this and approves or corrects what needs to be corrected by the account of everyone involved in this process. This is a 90 to 95% time gain from what it was before. And here I want to highlight that even though this is at face value, The contract companion legal GPT it is actually a universal companywide asset because anyone who has a contract to formalize can use it first, before going to legal and this is changing our ways of working.

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