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On the Same Page for the Future


In this Pharmaceutical Executive video interview, Jon Hamrick, Partner, Curatio Scientia Advisors and Jon Rawlson, President & Founder, Armory Hill Advocates, speak about what kind of impact their survey's findings impact will be on the industry.

How do you think your survey’s findings will impact the industry?

Jon Hamrick: I think I think that we found some consistencies in the feedback that one, I think we confirm that while there are a lot of sources of information, and entities that provide updates, or some level of monitoring, virtually all stakeholders kind of confirmed that there is no formalized process or aggravating or aggregating, a compendium at the state level, specifically for monitoring policy and regulatory frameworks around patient access, affordability, and prescription drug therapies. The other thing that we found was that there are a majority of folks within the industry who are in these positions. So, I'd say a majority of the respondents to our survey said yeah, there's an opportunity for a cooperative Industry Collaboration helped develop a better solution set for the timely and accurate monitoring of state level legislation, regulatory activity, and that they'd be willing to participate in such an effort or a panel. And so, I think one of the things that we're in the process of doing is planning an advisory panel around this to support the development of that type of program, this to facilitate it not to provide it ourselves. That's not our role. In this way we feel like we can serve, you know, and support the idea of how can we help patients have better access to and ultimately better outcomes from these therapies, if we really are in a timely way, understanding what the legislation is, or that's pending, that could impact some of the things that we in the industry you want to try to do to help support that patient access?

Jon Rawlson: I think one of the things in terms of talking with some of the organizations that already provide some legislative tracking, when we ask the questions around these issues, they were like, well, you know, we've not been tasked with, with adding this to our parameters. And so, the question was, really, are you able to do it? If, if companies and organizations trade associations come and ask you for it? And they were like, well, you know, some of these some of these entities are, are individual to each state, and, and just set aside for just like, Florida has its own, called lobby tools and so We went to them and said, you know, would you be able to look at these factors? And they said, you know, we, we would like to see if we can build that into our algorithm. So, it's interesting that now we're kind of facilitating that conversation and dialogue to occur where, as before there was really not, not a platform for that kind of dialogue to occur.

Jon Hamrick: I think that, you know, the other thing that comes to mind is one of the key ideas around the survey was to identify like, where are what are the really important areas that the respondents feel like need to be monitored? And where do they feel like there's solid coverage. So, as I said, before, you know, what's going on with the state Medicaid budget, visa vie their specific product, or portfolio or issue has pretty good coverage, we also found that, like the most important area that folks talked about needing to be monitored around restrictions or obligations on payer coverage policies, was sort of the top of the list. And, you know, monitoring of utilization management was pretty high. But when it comes to areas like restrictions or obligations on payer coverage policies, manufacturer sponsored patient support programs, constraints on patient or providers support, or rules or legislation around constraints on patient provider, I should say, interoperability and data sharing. Those are the types of areas that can get sticky when you start having a whole bunch of different states with different slightly different policies going on. And so, we found that there was a bit of a mismatch on, hey, this stuff is really important. And we don't really have as great a view of that, as we should. So that was sort of a finding. And I think, the opportunity for solution set, we also in the appendix to the report provided, you know, we asked, you know, the respondents, what are the sources of information that you're using today? So, we feel like there's a pretty good set of organizations that are providing this information to they that these various respondents will go due to kind of collect this information.

For more information, and to read the report, where can our audience find it?

Jon Hamrick: They can go to our website www.curatioadvisors.com

Jon Rawlson: www.armoryhilladvocates.com

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