Pharma Online Advertising is Working


Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical online advertising has the highest viewability rates of any industry, according to a study by comScore, Inc.

Pharmaceutical online advertising has the highest viewability rates of any industry, according to a study by comScore, Inc. Survey data from the eighth annual Online Marketing Effectiveness Benchmarks for the Pharmaceutical Industry also shows that online direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing continues to increase conversion among patients and prospects.

According to the study, which included 163 pharmaceutical studies, site visitation to a branded pharmaceutical site continues to provide sizeable lifts in both brand awareness and favorability. Health marketers continue to use digital channels to reach consumers, and anywhere from three to seven billion display ads are delivered in the drugs and medication sector each month. 

The viewability of an ad - the ability for an ad to actually be seen by a consumer - largely impacts the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. Out of the ten industries comScore benchmarked, pharmaceutical advertising impressions had the highest viewability rates.

“Our research shows that regardless of how condition sufferers get to the site, that visit has a significant influence in those patients seeking treatment,” said John Mangano, vice president for comScore Health Solutions. “Marketers should also take note of what devices consumers are using to engage with health-related content… Understanding how to reach consumers effectively through fast-emerging platforms such as mobile will help companies create better marketing and content strategies to connect with both prospects and patients alike.”

More information can be found here.

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