Pharma Pulse 3/19/24: BMS Completes Acquisition of Karuna, Big Questions for DC Following Massive Healthcare Hack & more


The latest news for pharma industry insiders.

Reading the Tea Leaves on Recent Surge in Pharma Dealmaking

In this Pharmaceutical Commerce video interview, Joerg Tritschler, a partner in Simon-Kucher’s life sciences division, discusses the positive signs from rising activity levels in biopharma M&A— and what the momentum may mean for industry dealmaking and partnership efforts in the months ahead.

4 Practical Strategies Healthcare Leaders Can Implement Now to Repel Cyber Attacks

Cyberattacks disproportionately affect healthcare organizations. In 2023, the average data breach cost to a healthcare company was $10.93 million, an 8% increase from the previous year.

Four big questions for DC following massive health care hack

The cyberattack that forced offline insurance clearinghouse Change Healthcare raises bigger questions about the digital security of the U.S. health care system.

BMS Completes Acquisition of Karuna, Strengthening Neuroscience Portfolio

Bristol Myers Squibb announced that it has successfully completed its acquisition of Karuna Therapeutics, Inc. (“Karuna”). With the acquisition's completion, Karuna shares have ceased trading on the Nasdaq Global Select Market and Karuna is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Bristol Myers Squibb (“BMS”).

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Paul Edwards, President & CEO, and Sharmeen Roy, PharmD, BCPS, Chief Strategy & Science Officer at DoseMe are featured in Pharmaceutical Executive. Discover the blend of technologies, including software, artificial intelligence (AI), & analytics, that will enable the adoption of #precisionmedicine for each patient >> read article here >>

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