Reaching the Healthcare Professional After COVID-19


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Join Pharmaceutical Executive® for an information-packed virtual conference that provides valuable advice to bolster and transform the way you reach HCPs in this time of evolution. Live: Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020 at 8:15AM EDT. On demand available after airing until Aug. 13, 2021.

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Event Overview:

As the pharmaceutical industry faces a myriad of business changes post-pandemic, each functional role has its own nuanced lessons to learn. For heads of marketing and access, reaching the physician with drug and scientific information became an exercise in fast-moving adaptation. In this live virtual event from Pharmaceutical Executive, attendees will learn strategies to take full advantage of digital communications and technology, and gain insights on how to pivot quickly to reach HCPs behind their doors. While COVID-19 serves as a backdrop for this event, the number of HCPs seeing pharmaceutical representatives in person already had dropped to 50% before the pandemic occurred. This information-packed conference will provide valuable advice on how to bolster and even transcend the way you reach HCPs moving forward.

Speaker: Paul Simms, Pharma Provocateur

Time and date: Thursday, August 13, 2020 | 8:15 AM EDT – 12:15 PM EDT

On demand available after airing until Aug. 13, 2021.

Sponsor: Pharmaceutical Executive and Truth Serum NTWK

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