Virtual, Decentralized, Site-less Trials… What Does it All Mean?


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Patient-facing digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in clinical trials, to the point where including virtual components in trials has become mainstream. Join Kathy Vandebelt, Global Head of Clinical Innovation at Oracle Health Sciences to discuss where the industry stands on terms like "virtual" or "decentralized" trials, what are the benefits and challenges, and what does the future hold for all of us involved. Live: Thursday, Mar. 12, 2020 at 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 3pm GMT | 4pm CET On demand available after airing until Mar. 12, 2021. Register free

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Event Overview: 

Patient-facing digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in clinical trials, to the point where including virtual components in trials has become mainstream. But terms like remote, site-less, hybrid, and decentralized trials have added ambiguity and confusion to this new virtual ecosystem. Where exactly does the industry stand on terms like "virtual" or "decentralized" trials?

Whatever the term may be, early planning and implementation stages to protect the integrity of the data will be key to success. Standardization, compliance and regulatory acceptance plays a large role in the development and use of new innovation in clinical trials as well. Above all, it is crucial to protect the safety of the patient.

In collaboration with CNS Summit, Oracle Health Sciences recently met with industry stakeholders to understand the value realized from the decentralized trial approach. In a focus group setting, participants pooled their experience and knowledge to examine the benefits, the challenges and the pace of adoption of various decentralized approaches.

Let’s explore additional aspects of this new frontier, to gain full knowledge of its potential, and what the future holds for all of us involved.

Key Learning Objectives:

Join this webcast to better understand:

How your peers define "decentralized" or "virtual" trials

What are the benefits and challenges of decentralized trials?

What does the future hold for decentralized trials?

Speakers: Kathy Vandebelt, Global Head of Clinical Innovation, Oracle Health Sciences

Time and date: Thursday, Mar. 12, 2020 at 11am EDT | 8am PDT | 3pm GMT | 4pm CET

On demand available after airing until Mar. 12, 2021.

Sponsor: Oracle Health Sciences

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