Neil Baum, M.D., is a speaker and consultant to the pharmaceutical industry. He can be reached at
The successful abbreviated detail
Making the most of less than two minutes.
Remember the doctor's name
There's no better way to attract a doctor's attention than to mention his or her name.
Decisions determine your destiny
There are five levels of decision- making that every pharmaceutical sales rep must consider.
Turn features into benefits
Incorporate the phrase 'which means' into details.
Jazz up your e-mails and memos
"It's the little things that make a big difference." You know that's true of your sales relationships, but that old adage also applies to your e-mails and memos.
Offer just what the doctor orders
It is a maxim in business school that in order to make money selling something, you have to identify a need in the marketplace and position a product or service to satisfy that need.
Why good sports hit home runs
Your course of actions when doctors say 'no.'