Reflector is Pharm Exec's Brussels correpsondent.
European Pricing Talks: A lot of Smoke—or is it Fire?
What to make of the simmering public and political angst
Predicting the Future of European Health Policy
With a new Commission looming, here’s who’s vying for the top spot in shaping EU strategy, including key questions in pharma.
New Flare-Up in Europe's External Reference Pricing Debate
European industry fights over every inch on comparative drug pricing initiative.
Health Technology’s Double-Edged Sword
Europe slow to action on emerging technologies, but the complex issues clouding EHRs and gene editing, for example, offer pause.
Parallel Trade a Victim of Brexit Collateral Damage
Despite a “temporary fix” at the ready, pharma supply repercussions loom if exit deal isn’t reached this month.
Is This When the Drug Industry Starts a Fight-Back?
“You wanna play rough? Just try it!” was the gist of the New-Year message from the European pharma industry to the healthcare authorities circling around drug firms preparing for pricing discussions. Reflector reports.
Gauging the Collaborative Spirit in European Health
Pair of EU meetings, while well-meant, offered little action and beg the question-what’s the true merit in working together?
Europe Edges Toward New HTA Understanding
The European Union is moving ahead, in its own slightly crabwise fashion, with its attempts to work out what healthcare budgets should be used for. Reflector reports.
EMA Clinical Data Disclosure Plan Under Fire
The EMA might have expected that the publication of its plan for proactive release of clinical reports would receive a warm welcome. But, Reflector writes, it is far from a roaring success.
Eruptions on the Drug-Pricing Horizon in Europe
An escalating political debate over pharma pricing and reimbursement nears the boiling point.
Peril, Not Progress on Transatlantic Trade Deal
Pharma hopes for a deal are fading as the once-hot TTIP talks seem to be on the fizzle in Europe.
European Clinical Trials: The Die Is Cast
Politicians and health campaigners are celebrating the final agreement of the EU's new clinical trials rules. But the European drug industry is not so euphoric, writes Reflector.
The EMA Turns 20: What Does It Want to Be?
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is 20 years old this year - and it confronts many of the problems familiar to anyone at that age.
Europe: A Pharma Armistice?
Manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacists and even parallel importers are uniting under a common blanket, writes Reflector.
Lobbyists Use Limp Sandwiches to Shape the Pharmaceutical Package
Reflector reports on how the European pharma commitees and national associations are trying to shape the upcoming pharmaceutical package through informal
Big Pharma: muscling further into Brussels?
News of the potential Solvay sale has sent the company's stock soaring, but is it good news for Belgium? Reflector reports.
Pharma on thin ice
Reflector points to a number of recent alarm signals that have seen European pharma move further towards dangerous territory.
An uphill struggle for European Pharma
Reflector ponders recent events in the battle against counterfeit drugs.
Does Brussels need a wake-up call on medicines?
Reflector ponders the growing gap between the US and Europe's vision for the future of drug marketing.
EU and industry in shock agreement
Reflector welcomes the signs of EU agreement on encouraging the development of rare disease treatments.
Can Mandy save the life sciences industry?
Reflector wonders whether the UK government's business supremo can work his magic on European pharma and biotech.
Prescription Drug Advertising: Same Debate, Different Day
Reflector casts doubt on European pharma's vision for further communication between the industry and its patients.