The Erivan K. Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University
Pressed Into Action: Measuring Pharma’s Reputation Reversal
Study analyzes mainstream media coverage of the industry before and after the COVID-19 lockdown.
Pharm Exec’s 15th Annual Press Audit: The Opioid Crisis Dominates the News
The opioid crisis dominated the news in this year’s annual audit of press coverage of the pharmaceutical industry. Stephen J. Porth and George P. Sillup report.
Pharm Exec: Annual Press Audit 2014
Pharm Exec's latest survey of press issues shows that media coverage continues to remain on balance negative toward the industry, by a slight margin: 47% this year compared to a 46% average over the last seven years.
Pharm Exec's Seventh Annual Media Audit
Negative views regarding pharma are on the rise, but vaccines help keep the focus on the positives of innovation
Sixth Annual Press Audit
Pricing, promotion, and the unfinished story of healthcare reform dominated the news last year.
Fifth Annual Press Audit: Safety in the Spotlight
Reporters pass on the typical litany of lightning-rod issues and instead devote more than three-quarters of all coverage in 2008 to drug safety-and the regulators who enforce it.
4th Annual Press Audit: Coverage Uncovered!
Pharma gets less ink as news reporters shift their sights to other topics? That's a good thing--Isn't it?
Media Audit: Stop the Presses!
And while reporters aren't writing any more about the industry, the topics they cover are a moving target.
Annual Press Audit: Front Page Pharma
The good news is that America's top newspapers were fairer to pharma in 2006. But coverage remains largely negative-and the hot topics are catching the industry by suprise.
Good News Bad News
The majority of headlines opposed the industry: 57.1 percent were negative, 18.1 percent were positive, and 24.8 percent were neutral. But the headlines were less negative than the stories themselves.