Clinical Work-Up: Amgen's Trials Move Online
March 1st 2001The number of pharmaceuticals in development recently mushroomed, and the complexity of trials is increasing. Amgen has reduced its cycle times but still wants to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness as it enlarges its pipeline, presenting tough new challenges in clinical research.
Buried Treasure: The Stealth Issue of E-Business Taxation
March 1st 2001It}s generally accepted that pharmaceutical companies need to transform their business processes to remain competitive in the global economy. Shareholders, analysts, partners, suppliers, and customers consistently applaud announcements about information technology (IT) improvements. But managing the necessary changes to exploit the value of e-business initiatives is more problematic than many companies realize, requiring a focused management effort, within which is buried the stealth issue of e-business taxation.
Language, Layout, & Links: Creating Trustworthy Online Messages
March 1st 2001Americans are notoriously obsessed with health. In fact, more than 40 million go online to visit health sites, the vast majority seeking information about pharmaceuticals. As a result, drug manufacturers} product sites play a leading role in consumers} healthcare knowledge.