The BCG Market Access Roundtable outlines the new and advanced access competencies required to enable functional operationalization and delivery of this critical role in biopharma—today a key strategic partner in achieving overall business goals.
Access has become the front and center topic for the biopharmaceutical industry. The majority of biopharma companies now have explicit goals and commitments related to patient access at the executive level and in their mission statements. The role of the access function is rapidly evolving and access objectives are shared across multiple functions. The access function orchestrates these objectives across the organization to ensure timely, equitable, and sustainable patient access, expanding beyond the traditional focus on technical issues like health economic models, evidence synthesis, and pricing research.
The evolving role of “access” requires us to rethink how companies can operationalize the broader role of global access in this new environment. This report provides a joint perspective of the BCG Market Access Roundtable members. In this joint perspective, we seek to lay out three topics:
How have access objectives evolved? Description of the evolution of access objectives and measures reflecting today’s expanded scope of access.
What is the ideal access contribution toward these objectives? Outlines key elements of how access can contribute at the enterprise level.
What are activities of access functions to deliver on these contributions? Articulation of key considerations around operationalizing the broader role of access.
The BCG Market Access Roundtable is a forum that brings together senior market access leaders and serves as a platform for interactive discussion on industry-level topics. Roundtable members collectively select topics that are relevant but not handled in other forums, and which can have either near- and/or long-term relevance. Members work in smaller working groups on specific topics to develop thought pieces, relevant frameworks, or policy-related publications, which are collectively ratified by the Roundtable on a biannual basis. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) hosts the roundtable and facilitates these forums and the working groups. As of this year, 28 companies are full-time members of the BCG Market Access Roundtable (see list below).
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Several key developments within and beyond the healthcare system have impacted patient access and the role of access functions within biopharma companies, which are summarized in more detail in “Access in the New World.”1 As the role of access is expanding, key outcomes for access have also evolved. Objectives have shifted from a functional focus to shared outcomes with other functions, such as medical, regulatory, commercial, and their respective stakeholder counterparts in the healthcare ecosystem.
Historically, access objectives were price achieved, time to reimbursement, or breadth of coverage. Success or progress toward these objectives can be measured or tracked with key performance indicators (KPIs), such as production of key deliverables on time and budget (e.g., value dossier, health economics models, pricing strategy, etc.) or number and quality of interactions with internal and external stakeholders.
The scope of access today has expanded beyond reimbursement to “getting drugs in the hands of patients” and ultimately adoption. State-of-the-art access outcomes are patients treated, patients with choice to benefit from the medicine, or measures of health equity.2 Relevant KPIs have also changed to joint efforts such as the co-creation of a NHS National Cancer Plan; resolution on pressing health issues like antimicrobial resistance; the Memorandum of Understanding for access with the Ministry of Health in Ontario Canda; or concrete steps to increase the value, affordability, and capacity for innovative drug treatment.
We anchor the discussion on these joint outcomes at the healthcare ecosystem level, summarized as “access to optimal care in a sustainable fashion.” Several contributions from access are required at the enterprise level to achieve these joint outcomes. The different contributions address internal and external stakeholders, and need to happen at and above the product level. From these types of contribution, we derive implications for operationalizing access activities and deliverables at a functional level. In “Building Access Competencies for the future,”3 we further provide an overview of new and advanced access competencies required to enable functional operationalization and delivery.
To enable successful delivery of the shared outcome “access to optimal care in a sustainable fashion” at the healthcare ecosystem level, the access function has a critical role along four internal and four external dimensions. Contributions can further be split into product level and above product/portfolio level. In the following section, we aim to provide an overview of the various elements and examples of what a meaningful or impactful contribution could be.
Access leaders have a key role to drive organizational decision-making and steer strategic discussions at the executive level. This becomes particularly critical when interdependencies exist between decisions of access stakeholders and other stakeholders, which are traditionally seen to be the sole remit of other functions. Key contributions from an internal perspective can be summarized along the four themes ahead.
1. Provide the voice of health technology assessment (HTA), payer, and policy stakeholders at and above the product level for pipeline and business development investments
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
2. Champion integrated evidence and commercial strategies that define, demonstrate, and capture the broad value of a product
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
3. Drive societal and health system considerations on value, affordability, and health outcomes within a broader environmental, social, and governance (ESG) agenda
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
4. Frame strategic access trade-offs across pipeline, portfolio, franchise, and products
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
The roundtable identified four additional areas where access leaders can contribute and steer decision-making in forums with external stakeholder groups. Understanding and co-creating the environment with these stakeholders is crucial to achieve joint outcomes with a positive impact at the healthcare ecosystem level.
1. Advocate change in health systems to ensure timely and equitable patient access
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
2. Co-create sustainable access, funding, and value-assessment mechanisms leveraging real-world evidence (RWE) and patient experience
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
3. Ensure value of diagnostics, drugs, and devices is consistently communicated
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
4. Contribute to financial incentives and price realization for commercial success and sustained investment in innovation
What is a meaningful or impactful contribution?
When thinking about how to operationalize delivery of the contributions outlined, four key concepts need to be embedded in the functional setup and processes of the access function. To ensure structured discussions on value, access, and evidence can happen early and with the relevant decision-makers, access needs to have a “seat at the table” from early development across the entire life cycle. In these cross-functional decision fora, the access function is required to provide access enterprise leadership and formalize shared objectives in integrated disease area and brand strategies. Elevating the mandate of access by establishing access as a key function at the executive level and appointing a single point of contact with full accountability5 represent critical measures to operationalize access as a corporate objective within a broader ESG agenda and communication strategy.
Given access is essentially local in nature, close collaboration with key countries for early strategy development and operational support during and after product launch is key to achieve shared objectives in the local healthcare ecosystem. In the following paragraphs, we seek to lay out some key exemplary activities or process measures for how the four concepts can be implemented successfully in an organization.
These operationalization elements aim to support articulation of the value and unique contribution of access as a strategic partner to the business. They should represent a set of guiding principles rather than a structural blueprint—as the structural setup of organizations is individually tailored toward their needs (as it should be). Buy-in of senior company leadership outside the access function is essential to enable the operationalization of the broader role of access.
Within the access function, department leaders need to take further steps to detail what is required and how to achieve the outlined operating model principles within their specific biopharma organization.
The following guiding questions can help to define these steps, while acknowledging that there is no single right answer.
Finally, the purpose of any operating model is to translate strategy into a functioning organization and to serve as the foundation for execution and achieving measurable results. As the context in which we operate continues to evolve, regular reassessments of the shared objectives, their evolution, and the progress toward them are crucial to enable the organization to deliver value in the long run.