Agency Questions


Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-06-03-2008
Volume 0
Issue 0

Executives in the story were asked nine questions.

We asked the executives the following 9 questions. The surprise was how generous and forthcoming they were with their answers. We only wish we had more space so we could have printed everything they had to share. Instead, we culled the most cogent and timely of their comments and put together a kind of "Facebook." We believe it makes for interesting reading as well as being a useful guide to what the thinking is behind the agency you might be considering.

  • In the past advertising agencies meant creative. Now it seems creative is implicit, and agencies are being asked for a broader range of services. What do agencies have to offer clients?

  • What is at the top of your list of things companies should do to promote their brands more effectively, and responsibly?

  • Is pharma's tightening its belt affecting the way it's doing business with agencies? Is pharma asking for more, and wanting to pay less? How do you deal with that?

  • The industry says it's finally interested in Web 2.0, but the spend-online-numbers for 2007 don't agree. What then do clients really want, and how do you advise them?

  • What is an agency's responsibility when it comes to being cognizant of and complying with regulations?

  • As companies increasingly look to biologics to feed their dwindling pipelines, what new challenges will these medicines pose for agencies?

  • What are one or two things you know about pharma marketing that companies don't seem to be aware of?

  • What will healthcare advertising look like five years from now?

  • What should a client do to get the very best value out of working with an agency like yours?
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