Jamie Peck, Rosetta


Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-06-03-2010
Volume 0
Issue 0

Independence equals creativity, and solutions

Global holding companies are, in reality, nothing more than loose confederations of independent agencies, each with their own profit and loss statements (P&Ls) and profit goals. This can create multiple layers of unnecessary bureaucracy and overhead, actually resulting in increased cost to the client.

Jamie Peck

In a word, independence gives birth to creativity. Rosetta's point of view is that independent alliances, while sometimes hard to centrally manage, are the most effective way to serve our global clients creatively. For Allergan EMEA, Rosetta has acted as a sole provider of all digital solutions in 11 countries. This has resulted in several award-winning digital solutions, all managed centrally from the US.

By recognizing the inverse dynamic of emerging media in emerging regions, HC marketers can leverage the power of an entire arsenal of tools. Outside of the US, the Web is merely a portal or gateway for the patient and provider to access a myriad of other digitally enabled media outlets. By accessing these other channels (mobile, social, gaming, etc.), we are able to meet all of the targets' needs—emotional, educational, and value based—through the devices they rely on every day.

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