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Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-03-01-2010
Volume 0
Issue 0

The faces and names behind the year's best pharmaceutical advertising.

The Perfect 10


BRAND Exjade CLIENT Novartis

Novartis came to MicroMass looking for a way to increase the number of patients taking a serum ferritin test, which measures the amount of iron in a person's blood.

FROM LEFT: Kelly White, senior behaviorist, Rich Patterson, VP, group account director, Peter Ng, brand director, Michele Lashley, director, content services, Dean Logan, creative director

Research shows that it takes approximately 10 transfusions for a patient to reach over 1,000 microliters of iron per liter of blood—in other words, iron overload. Ten is the number at which treatment guidelines say patients should begin being screened and, if there is too much iron in their blood, be treated with a chronic iron overload treatment such as Exjade.

MicroMass had to develop a single piece of informational content that was compelling and informative, and would appeal to a diverse patient population patients suffering from sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, even cancer.

While MicroMass was trying to find a hook—that elusive thing that could bring all the audience groups together—they noticed that in the word "transfusion," which people are familiar with, there's an "io" at the end. With a little bit of design and massaging, MicroMass turned that IO into a 10.

"We know that IO, iron overload, to just use like an I and O, we figured the abbreviation would have no resonance with anybody, but 10 would," says Creative Director Dean Logan. "If we could get the message of 10 across, coupled with transfusion, in a succinct, clear, and instantly recognizable way, we knew we'd have something."

The result is a waiting room brochure that is both eye-catching, and insightful, and offers both educational information as well as a free voucher for a screening test. In other words, a perfect 10.

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