
Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-11-01-2004

Patient Centric

Patient Centric

Patrick Clinton


Five years ago, in the race to deliver Gleevec, Novartis glimpsed what a pharma company could be. Today, that insight is turning into tactics.




Michael D. Lam

Associate Editor

The Vioxx withdrawal has been called a disaster, a crisis, and the end of the blockbuster model. What is it really?


Your Patent Is About

To Expire: What Now?

Edward Tuttle, Andrew Parece, and Anne Hecrot

Analysis Group

Is it best to fight for market share or preserve margins? Is an authorized generic right for you? Here's how to tell.


New Gains For Pain

Rochelle Ellis and Jessica Hou

Navigant Consulting

An aging population and societal changes are triggering an explosive growth in palliative care.


Creativity Without Borders

Joanna Breitstein

Senior Ediitor

Pharm Exec spotlights the year's most creative ads in its annual coverage of the Rx Club Awards.

In the Spotlight

Feeling No Pain

L.J. Sellers

Senior Editor

Endo CEO Carol Ammon has a passion for pain management and a pipeline of drugs aimed at an evolving market.

News & Analysis

Leading Indicators


FDA issues guidelines for industry good manufacturing practices " AstaZenaca sings the pipeline blues " India announces a potential breakthrough TB treatment " Survey reveals lower public response to DTC ads " Researchers outline ways to bring new products to the market faster.


Who wins from Medicare? " Drug recalls " Where do healthcare professionals learn about drugs?

Thought Leaders

Clifford Kalb of Wood Mackenzie on competitive intelligence and pharma's next generation of leaders

Washington Report

Antidepressants, Vioxx, and flu vaccine: Will a rash of bad news about safety lead to a rollback of regulatory reform?

Jill Wechsler

Global Report

Full disclosure of clinical trials. If Lilly and GSK can do it, why can't everyone?

Sarah Houlton


Being a leader isn't just a job; it's a way of life. But if you just have to be one

Sander A. Flaum

Flaum Partners

Strategy & Tactics

Direct to Consumer

Port is left; starboard, right. Anterior is front and posterior back. Now how about direct-to-to-consumer and direct-to-patient?

Ben Whisenant

Northwestern University

Alternative Media

Rich media—it's like TV on the web, only better.

Larry Mickelberg

Medical Broadcasting Company

Marketing to Professionals

Don't think of it as e-detailing. It's really CRM.

Dave Ormesher


Mark Gleason

HyGro Consulting Group

Public Relations

India and China probably won't allow DTC—but there will be a huge role for thoughtful PR.

Michael Durand

Porter Novelli

Medical Education

Want more successful med ed? Try marketing it like you'd market your products.

Sharon Callahan and Donna Wolff

Summit Grey


From the Editor

RIP Christopher Reeve. We'd almost believed he could fly, but the miracle came when we believed he would walk.

Patrick Clinton


Back Page

Pharma's future is tied to diagnostics. Now, if someone would just pay for them.

Gerald Rogan, MD

Rogan Consulting


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