March 20th 2025
DR-0201, a CD20-directed bispecific antibody, has demonstrated robust B-cell depletion in early clinical studies, showing promise in treating refractory B-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.
A look at the current landscape and how young companies can set the stage for product launch.
Phase III Trials Show Povorcitinib Significantly Improves Hidradenitis Suppurativa Outcomes
March 19th 2025In the Phase III STOP-HS1 and STOP-HS2 trials, results show that patients treated with povorcitinib for hidradenitis suppurativa experienced a ≥50% reduction in the total abscess and inflammatory nodule count.
The 2025 Medication Access Report: Biggest Bottlenecks for Patients
March 19th 2025Kimberley Chiang, vice president of biopharma commercial solutions at CoverMyMeds, highlights gaps in data sharing and cross-functional collaboration as major bottlenecks that are causing delays, rework, and increased patient burden.
Understanding the Real Needs of Families: Advancing Hearing Solutions for Children and Adults
March 17th 2025Jonathon Whitton, AuD, PhD, VP, auditory global program head, Regeneron, discusses how the focus of technology development is shifting toward ensuring safety and continuous hearing for children.
Applying Porter’s Five Forces to Portfolio Management in Pharmaceutical R&D: A Strategic Roadmap
March 17th 2025The increasing costs and complexity of R&D in the pharmaceutical industry have necessitated the adoption of strategic portfolio management to optimize resource allocation and enhance competitive advantage.
Real-World Data Demonstrates Efficacy of Apretude and Cabenuva in HIV Prevention, Treatment
March 14th 2025New real-world and implementation study data highlight the efficacy of ViiV’s long-acting injectables for HIV prevention and treatment, with Apretude showing zero HIV acquisitions and Cabenuva maintaining high viral suppression rates.