Dan Rubin is President and CEO of PARx Solutions.
5 PA Predictions for the Coming Year
Does Formulary Contracting = Patients Will Get Their Prescriptions?
A look at the communication disconnect between contracting with managed care plans and pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) and the imposition and implications of prior authorization (PA) requirements.
Death by Prior Authorization
Health plans should pause in calling for prescription prior authorizations or answer the call for process reform to ensure effective patient care.
Closing The Loop on Patient Engagement: Overcoming the PA Washout
Dan Rubin discusses how a full-service prior authorization (PA) support program facilitates higher PA submission rates and more prescriptions dispensed.
Generating High PA Approval Rates: Important But Not Sufficient
Brands that wish to overcome prior authorization (PA) challenges should work with service providers that generate high approvals on submitted PAs and drive more submissions from prescribers, writes Dan Rubin.
Tackling the Prior Authorization Challenge: A Critical Task for Pharma
Effectively addressing prior authorization challenges as part of a company’s core sales and marketing tactics can yield tangible and substantial benefits, writes Dan Rubin.