Associate Editor, Pharmaceutical Executive Europe
Only Connect: Finding the Key to Digital Marketing
Jim Currie and Baber Ghauri talk to Pharm Exec about making connections that resonate with audiences in a digital world.
The Rx Club's 25th Anniversary Show
Over 25 years the Rx Club Show has reflected dramatic technological changes in advertising. But, as always, the subject comes first, the medium second. So where did the accolades go this year?
Patient Advocacy: The Last 30 Years
The rise of advocacy groups has helped patients find their voice, but the power to change health profiles remains an elusive goal.
Abbey Meyers: The "Mother" of Invention
Abbey Meyers, Founder, National Organization of Rare Disorders
Employers: Fighting Non-Adherence
A Q&A with Andrew Webber, President and CEO of the National Business Coalition on Health
The Cloud and Beyond
Cloud computing is slowly but surely becoming the IT platform of choice for the industry. Pharm Exec looks at how it now affects nearly every aspect of the pharma business.
Skipping the Needle: Pharm Exec's Brand of the Year
Novartis' Gilenya is a step forward in treating Multiple Sclerosis. But generating increased compliance is another story