
Daniel Boring


Also Known As...The Value of Generic Names

In the world of pharmaceutical names, the trademark has always been the star, and every other word has played a supporting role. But recent developments at FDA-and the industry's response to those developments-have set the stage for a new approach to nomenclature.

Tamsen Valoir


Legal: State Compulsory Licenses

Under one bill, states could license patented drugs to generics companies, paying patent holders a royalty.

John Guagliardo


Bush's long-term care agenda

Experts say fewer regulations are expected.

Robert Lamb


Pfizer Can Mold Its Future by Learning from the Past

Pfizer Chairman and CEO Hank McKinnell sees the company's $58 billion blockbuster acquisition of Pharmacia as the key to Pfizer's leadership in pharmaceutical markets around the globe.

Andra Brichacek


PBMs: Merck-Medco in the Hot Seat

Franklin Lakes, New Jersey-Merck’s pharmacy benefit arm, Merck-Medco, is under fire for switching patients to more expensive pharmaceuticals.

Nancy Turett


Thriving Amid Uncertainty

As healthcare struggles to reinvent itself, a confluence of major societal forces has irrevocably changed both the business world and the healthcare landscape.

Ronald Keeney, MD


Pediatric Mandate

FDA's Final Rule Forces the Pharma Industry to Change It's Clinical Trial Culture

Dan Mariani


Focus on the customer to find success

Reps need to spend time planning, account targeting and learning about new managed care tools that drive today's operations as well as prepare us for tomorrow's growth businesses.

Benjamin Gilad


Pharma’s Understanding of Competitive Intelligence

Despite the investment in place, industry still struggles to take advantage of competitive intelligence as key decision aid.

Jeffrey Glor, PhD


Direct to Consumer: HIV and Adherence

The flaw lies not in the lack of patient information, but rather in the way they process it.

Nancy Lurker


The Sampling Subsidy

Physicians give only 25 percent of samples to newly diagnosed patients, along with a prescription.

K. C. Warner


Manage your resources to drive your business

Reps can make a better impact by managing the time they have.

Zhu Shen


Unleash the Dragon

China's large patient base and concentrated specialty hospitals make it easier to recruit patients for clinical trials in than in the United States. On average, companies can save from two to five months by conducting a Phase I study in China.

Brian Flanagan


The Case for Coaching

I'm running as fast as I can." That describes how many pharma executives see their work-as a high-stakes race. Just as competitive runners find that a coach can be a vital part of their success, many business executives are discovering the benefits of working with a professional coach to improve their leadership skills. The result has been a transformation in the way coaching is applied and perceived. Far from being seen as a remedial step for "fixing" executives who are performing below standard, it has become widely used as a way to make already-effective leaders even better and to move them to the next level of their leadership.

John O'Malley


Empowerment selling through persuasion

Aside from helping the prospects and customers succeed at what they do or want to do, salespeople are most interested in one specific behavior change: compliance to a request. In generating a positive response, six basic tendencies of human behavior take the stage: reciprocation, consistency, social validation, liking, authority and scarcity. The more of the six following persuasion influencers a salesperson uses in his or her presentation and selling approach, the greater his or her chances of closing the sale:

Robert DuPont


Cementing relationships with residents

There is a great need (and an opportunity) to help younger physicians during the crucial beginning of their careers.

Rick Richmond


Can You Keep a Secret?

Pharmaceutical companies big and small depend heavily on information, much of it confidential and valuable. From low-tech customer lists and marketing plans to the coveted results of expensive biotech research, the pharma industry is built on confidential information that must be protected, making the law of trade secrets a key component in a company?s strategy to protect its intellectual property.

Neil Baum


The successful abbreviated detail

Making the most of less than two minutes.

Gwen McLean


Call on everyone in the physician's office

Become a resource to the doctor's staff.

Stephen Allain


Supplement your 401(k) with an IRA

Having so many retirement choices shouldn't leave you wondering which type of retirement savings plan is best for you.

Kimberly A. Farrell


Looking ahead to 2002

Taking steps to grow into a well-rounded professional.

Joanna Breitstein


Millennium's Deborah Dunsire: Woman of the Year

From her start as a physician working in apartheid-era South Africa to the dramatic turnaround and takeover of Millennium, Deborah Dunsire has lived a life that has defied all expectations.