
Daniel Dornbusch


Blueprint for a Great Leader

Is there a formula for the perfect biotech or pharmaceutical executive? As a candidate to be the next CEO of Pfizer or Amgen, it is better to have a PhD in microbiology or an MBA combined with a medical degree? Does a lifetime in the lab beat out a decade of sales and marketing experience?

Michael Kessler


Do you know your doctor's style?

Profiling the physicians you sell to.

Philip Lebowitz


Pricing Pressures

During the 2000 US election, prescription costs-especially for seniors-was a hot issue that both parties offered to resolve. Intervening events have since distracted the federal government from domestic healthcare issues, leaving states to take the initiative in lowering drug expenditures. Two states' programs led the way, drawing legal challenges from the pharmaceutical industry. Recent opinions by US courts of appeals in those cases reached conflicting results; but viewed together, they provide guidance for the types of state plans that will be sustained. Meanwhile, other programs are making their way through state legislatures around the country.

Christopher E. McCarthy


Your new competition...It's not who you think it is

Demands on physicians aren't just coming from reps.

David Balekdjian


In Establishing the Evidence Base, He Made Science Count

Robert Seidman, Former Chief Pharmacy Officer, Wellpoint

Hossam Sadek


It's All in the Details

Brand managers assume that more information leads to more effectiveness. Unfortunately, the reverse is true.

Rochelle Ellis


New Gains for Pain

The global pain market will reach nearly $29.8 billion in 2008, of which $21.8 billion will come from the United States.

Jeffrey T. Resnick


The Rise and Fall of Pharma Reputations

As a reputation driver, ethical behavior has increased steadily in importance over the last three years.

Scott Campbel


Beyond the speaker program

Forming a physician meeting group.

Carter Smith, PhD


Direct to Consumer: HIV and Adherence

The flaw lies not in the lack of patient information, but rather in the way they process it.

John Puisis


BioTech's New Business Model

Coined in the early 1940s, the hybrid term "biotech" has sustained its save-the-world aura and futurist allure. During the industry's nascent years, Amgen, Genentech, and other barrier-breaking companies were mere fledgling operations with products still in the pure science phase and their only "revenue" the hope of curing some of the world's ills.

George DiDomizio


Also Known As...The Value of Generic Names

In the world of pharmaceutical names, the trademark has always been the star, and every other word has played a supporting role. But recent developments at FDA-and the industry's response to those developments-have set the stage for a new approach to nomenclature.

Kashif Chaudhry


Key Opinion Leaders Interactions with Pharma

Data suggest that pharma companies engage the same key opinion leaders on assignments in three to seven departments or product groups at once.

Thomas Grubb


Pfizer Can Mold Its Future by Learning from the Past

Pfizer Chairman and CEO Hank McKinnell sees the company's $58 billion blockbuster acquisition of Pharmacia as the key to Pfizer's leadership in pharmaceutical markets around the globe.

Jean C. Mowrey


Beyond Training

How to Hire the Right Reps, Train Them to Excel, and Retain Them for the Long Run

Zach Henderson


It's All in the Details

Brand managers assume that more information leads to more effectiveness. Unfortunately, the reverse is true.

Mike Jackson


The journey

Three steps to career success.

Nicole Gray


Predicting Success: A Pipeline Report

Much has been said about pharma's R&D lag, but a closer look at the candidates currently in Phase III shows that what the pipeline lacks in quantity it makes up for in quality. This Pharmaceutical Executive pipeline report identifies some of the top candidates in five categories: women's health, oncology, central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular disease (CVD), and metabolic/ endocrine diseases.

Curtis Schreiber


The Pivotal Prescribers

Thanks to managed care's efforts to steer patients into the least intensive treatment settings, primary care practitioners (PCPs) play an increasingly important role in prescribing.

Philippe Bennett


Generics Battle Heats Up

The competition for generics' 180-day marketing exclusivity is fierce, and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories filed the first court case calling into question FDA's methods for determining exclusivity on a patent-by-patent basis.

Ed McCarthy


Launching the next blockbuster

What to focus on when it comes down to you.

Al Branch, Jr.


PE's annual Media Spend Trends

The economy may still be suffering from the twin shocks of September 11th and a bursting technology bubble, but pharma spending on promotions continues to grow at a double-digit pace.

John-Henry Pfifferling


Understanding physician stress (Part Two)

Understanding physician stressors and the behavior that follows is one key to enhancing relationships.

Jane Chin, PhD


Canaries in the Coal Mine

MSL programs were a technical outgrowth of sales, but they have since evolved to partake in field-based clinical and educational efforts for companies’ products. However, in many pharma companies, that evolution has not gone far enough. Companies still continue to focus MSL activities on pushing information out rather than pulling it in from the field and integrating it into their decision-making processes. As such, companies are missing the opportunity to leverage MSLs within a sensory web.

Sandra Levy


Physician dispensing

What's behind the new surge.

Kathleen B. Drennan



When it comes to recruiting and enrolling individuals in clinical trials, the industry's challenge is similar to the one that General Riggs cites in his call to modernize the US Army.

Lewis W. Coopersmith


A Better Way to Manage the Pipeline

A major unresolved issue for the pharmaceutical industry in the 21st century is that few, if any, optimization techniques have found their way into the research portfolio arena.

Sheree Butterfield


Surviving Career Transitions

Pharma is finally feeling the ill effects of the US economic downturn. In response, many companies are restructuring and downsizing. But pharma industry professionals are well positioned to take advantage of many avenues of employment, including other industries, entrepreneurial ventures, and consulting.