
Jonathan Kearney


Successful Social Communications The What Vs The How

Go to any communications seminar, forum, convention or workshop right now and the program will be populated with the latest and greatest trends in social communication platforms and how important these are if you want to be successful

Sarah Ray


Assessing the Value of Retrospective Studies Real World Data Real World Applications

The value of retrospective studies cannot be overstated. Retrospective studies affect many healthcare sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry and general public health

Dr. Albert Wertheimer


Orphan Drug Laws A Pharmacists Perspective

Pharm Exec’s sister organization CBI hosted its annual Orphan Drug Innovation Summit in Philadelphia on July 17-18. This is a topic that I have professional interest in, as well as a general curiosity.

Ryan P. Million


Challenges to the Specialty Business Model

Biopharmaceutical drug discovery companies have progressively tailored their pipelines to specialty therapeutic areas and smaller patient populations.

Emily O’Conno


Challenges to the Specialty Business Model

Biopharmaceutical drug discovery companies have progressively tailored their pipelines to specialty therapeutic areas and smaller patient populations.

Jillian Scaife


Challenges to the Specialty Business Model

Biopharmaceutical drug discovery companies have progressively tailored their pipelines to specialty therapeutic areas and smaller patient populations.

Les Funtleyder


Messaging in Healthcare: Making Sound and Fury Signify Something

Recently, there was a bit of a dust-up over whether it was appropriate for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to engage the National Football League (NFL) to help HHS with the process of drumming-up enrollment for health insurance exchanges. In the end, the NFL and other sports leagues decided they were not going to be involved fearing the appearance of taking political sides.

MB Donahue


Medicare “Wasting Billions of Dollars”, Says Study

Poorer people are being prescribed more expensive branded drugs. Is that bad? According to a new investigation it is. And it is costing the taxpayers a shovel-load of money. Furthermore, it’s unnecessary.

William Kitchens


Despite Growing Momentum, Repeal of Medical Device Tax Faces Significant Hurdles

On March 21, 2013, the United States Senate approved an amendment by a vote of 79 to 20 to repeal the 2.3 percent medical device excise tax.

Michael J. Kuchenreuther, PhD


Value-Based Healthcare in the UK

Jill E. Sackman and Michael Kuchenreuther look at some of the pricing and reimbursement challenges in the UK and offer strategies manufacturers should consider for sustainable success.

Morten Hjelmsoe


Marketing: Harnessing the Power of 'Pull'

Since the early days of the internet, we’ve been busy creating websites and other digital channels.

Peter C. Richardson


Is the Hatch-Waxman System Broken?

While the 1984 Act has been a boon for lower-cost generics, its goal of incentivizing new drug discovery has failed.

Traci Medford-Rosow


Is the Hatch-Waxman System Broken?

While the 1984 Act has been a boon for lower-cost generics, its goal of incentivizing new drug discovery has failed.

Kevin Jones


Remote Patient Monitoring: 2014 Outlook

Historically, pharmaceutical companies have leveraged remote patient monitoring (RPM) in a very limited way to improve data collection in clinical trials.

Maria Pinelli EY Global Vice Chair


Ladders Down! Successful Women Need to Help Others Come Up the Rank.

“Leaning in” might be all the rage – but “hanging in” is just as important to make sure women gather momentum in the workplace. At a meeting of the Global Women in Business Advisory Council last week in Palm Springs, CA, members discussed ways to build critical mass for stronger female participation in the workplace.

Howard Deutsch


The Amazon Effect: A Data-Fueled Customer Experience

What the future emergence of Amazon Pharmacy and the company’s aim to own the health experience may mean for pharma manufacturers’ engagement strategies and role in Rx delivery.

Julie Miller


Single Payer Issue Will Rise Again

The future of healthcare centers on scale, population health and the value of care rather than the volume of care, according to thought leaders speaking at a leadership briefing in November in Akron, Ohio. But the political atmosphere also adds layers of complexity, they say.

David Thompson and Daniel Levy


EMRs and Registries in the Era of Healthcare Reform

Advances in health information technology and new federal financial incentives are fueling rapid growth in the use of electronic medical record (EMR) systems

Stan Bernard and Janet Wells


Winning Pharma's Super Conferences

Like the Super Bowl, pharma companies are winning major congresses by using competitive conference techniques to generate brand buzz and corporate recognition.

Sharon Karlsberg


Beyond the Science: Commercial Implications From ASCO 2017

Four strategic takeaways from this year's that are important for pharma oncology leaders.

Barbara Ryan


Biotech Performance Pivot May Be in the Offing

With a likely rate cut by the Federal Reserve this week, investors could rotate aggressively back to the sector.

Konstantin Linnik


The Myriad Ruling: Six Points Every Biotech CEO Must Consider

Last week, the US Supreme Court issued a long-awaited decision in Myriad Genetics, which sent shockwaves through the very foundation of the biotech industry

Beth Bengston


Accept It, Wikipedia Is a Public Health Issue. Now Let's Fix It.

Medical articles on Wikipedia receive about 150 million page views per month, and nearly 50% of practicing physicians use Wikipedia as an information source for providing medical care. And while Wikipedia itself has disclaimers that information included on its site may be inaccurate,

Cinda Orr


Marketing is Pre-Sales

Not long ago, I was privy to a discussion taking place in a large drug development services company.

Mark Langsfeld


Five Ways Advanced Social Intelligence Guides Pharma Strategy

Within the billions of daily comments from individuals across open social sources lies deep intelligence into markets, brands, patients, caregivers, healthcare providers and competitors.

Ryan O’Quinn


Drug Patents Under Fire in Brazil

One of the most promising pharmaceutical markets of the future is Brazil, a nation of nearly 200 million people with a universal healthcare system.

Sanya Sukduang


Drug Patents Under Fire in Brazil

One of the most promising pharmaceutical markets of the future is Brazil, a nation of nearly 200 million people with a universal healthcare system.

Don Sorenson


Protecting Your Online Reputation

For CEOs who have spent long years and countless funds building a solid pharmaceutical brand and life-changing drugs, discovering defamatory remarks about your company online can come as quite a shock.

Clark Herman


Dissecting ACA's Section 6004: Tipping the Balance on Sampling Controls?

With the Affordable Care Act [ACA] officially settling into the US’ political landscape, a pressing – but little noticed – issue is the provisions for increased compliance on industry promotion practices.

Marian T. Flattery and Michael J. Flibbert


Three Questions to Ask About Your Life Sciences Patents

The decisions you make today about patents – what, when and where to file – could have implications tantamount to billions of dollars in R&D investment and sales over the next two decades.