
Grant Corbett


The Pharma Marketers Guide to Medication Adherence

Improving brand adherence rates requires pharma marketers to have access to two growing bodies of knowledge. These are: 1) carefully evaluated evidence for what can improve brand revenue, and 2) informed forecasts of trends.

John Otrompke


Drug Innovation: Alive and Well at ASCO!

This year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), which ended on Tuesday, provided many examples of emerging therapies that offer new hope to even those patients with metastatic disease.

Ritesh Patel


The Digital World is Changing Fast. Can You Keep Up?

I’ve been doing this digital thing for some time now. I’ve been part of and witnessed many changes in our digital world.

D’vorah Graeser, Graeser Associates International


U.S. Biosimilars Under Threat?

While the FDA continues to develop its guidance for U.S. biosimilars, including a one-day public hearing on May 11, 2012, the basic legal underpinnings of biosimilars in the U.S. may be under threat, as the Supreme Court debates the healthcare law, a large chunk of which includes provisions for biosimilars.

Soliant Health


My Healthcare's Better Than Your Healthcare

Long before the current debate on health care started, there was a different war brewing. For decades, people have been fighting over which program and plan is best: healthcare provided to government workers, military personnel or civilians?

Ana Nicholls


Patent Filing to Drug Approval: A Difficult Journey Even for the Mighty

The UK Financial Times this week (March 18) flagged up data from Withers & Rogers, a London-based IP firm, showing how the numbers of patent filings from the ten leading pharma companies has dropped in recent years.

Mark McAndrew


Co-Pay Offset Programs and the New Health Insurance Marketplace: Will the Feds Say No?

As the health insurance marketplaces begin enrollment this week and go live on January 1, 2014, several issues continue to be a source of significant confusion to manufacturers, payers and the millions of consumers purchasing health insurance for the first time through an exchange.

James Robinson


Pricing Management: It's All About the Data

Any pricing or revenue management initiative is only as good as the information on which it is based.

Joe DiMasi


Talkback from Tufts: Defending R&D Costs

William Looney’s posting for this blog, “Calculating the Cost of R&D: Defending Tufts Research” (January 11, 2012), raises a number of interesting and important points.

Sven Awege


Why Don't Those Damn Marketers 'Do' Digital?

Over the last few years I’ve worked with pharma marketers trying to preach and teach the virtues of digital channels. It has been a thankless task, with bucket loads of blood, sweat, and tears of frustration.

Susan Crowley


World Health Assembly Underlines Pharma's Global Challenges

Susan Crowley reviews the hotly debated agenda items from last month's World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland.

PharmExec Staff


Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi Top the 2017 Good Pharma Scorecard

The 2017 GPS ranking evaluates clinical trial registration, results reporting, clinical study report synopsis sharing, and journal article publication rates for new drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2014 that were sponsored by large drug companies.

Pamela Walker, Ph.D


ESG: Applying Lessons From Consumer Market

A prime opportunity for pharma to raise its strategic game in ESG.

Jacob Snapp


Supply Chain Analytics: Pharma’s Next Big Bet

Examining a new three-part formula to enable the supply chain function to manage market pressures while delivering on the bottom line.

Srihari Rangarajan


Supply Chain Analytics: Pharma’s Next Big Bet

Examining a new three-part formula to enable the supply chain function to manage market pressures while delivering on the bottom line.

Jesper Hoiland


Beyond the Blame Game: How Pharma is Learning to Collaborate

In a follow-up to our November CEO profile, Novo Nordisk’s Jesper Høiland writes how pharma companies and insurers are learning to collaborate.

Daryl Travis


Marketing: Beware the Hidden Forces of Behavioral Economics

Brand success can hinge on discovering the deeper motivations of customers and addressing the cognitive biases that result.

Christopher-Paul Milne


FDA’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation

Three key questions dominate the agency’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation program since its 2012 launch.

Keith Fern


Community Clinics as Trial Sites—Bridging the Gap Between Healthcare and Clinical Research

Keith Fern looks at how community clinics can be turned into research sites.

Rick Lynch


Nine Pharma Lessons from the Battlefield

Rick Lynch, the Army General who led the Iraqi ‘surge’ campaign, cites nine lessons that pharma leaders can apply in today’s come-from-behind struggle for market share.

Michael Jaeger


Withdrawal of EU Investigation of the Patent Box: Good News for UK Innovators

The European Commission’s (EC) decision to withdraw its investigation into the UK Government's Patent Box scheme is positive news for British innovators, writes Michael Jaeger.

Susan McDonald


The End of Pharma Marketing— or a New Beginning?

Two commercial marketing experts discuss how this mission critical function must change to stay relevant in bringing new therapies to the patients who need them.

Sanjiv Sharma


Case Study: A Drug Launch into COVID Headwinds

Lessons to launch by during a pandemic—or otherwise.

Donna Vetter


Biosimilars: Finding the Right Path to Differentiation

How will companies market similarity in a way that differentiates from the innovator? Customer experience may be the key.

Ed Schoonveld


Philanthropy vs. Innovation - Current Vaccine Prices: Is There a Downside?

Amid COVID-19, pressure for “socially responsible” pricing could temper investments in future urgent healthcare needs.

Mike Straw


Pharma Boards in the Era of Hostile Takeovers

With hostile takeovers on the rise, Mike Straw argues that pharma boards have a huge role to play in managing the people issues.

Mark Gross


Prastera: A Drug Listing Submission Case Study

Mark Gross offers a case study in using structured product labeling (SPL) to reduce time to market.

Timothy White


Pharma's Love Affair with Buzzwords

How pharma can finally put true meaning behind its juiced-up jargon and turn the bluster into reality, by Lundbeck's Timothy White.