
Pharmaceutical Executive

Pharmaceutical ExecutivePharmaceutical Executive-03-01-2005

Pharm Exec talks to the newly appointed leaders of the industry's most influential advocacy organizations.

Patrick Clinton


Jill Wechsler

Washington Correspondent

Pharm Exec talks to the newly appointed leaders of the industry's most influential advocacy organizations.

Billy Tauzin

PhRMA's new president is tasked with making politically-charged issues non-partisan, and positioning the industry on the sides of patients and doctors.

James Greenwood

As president of BIO, Greenwood plans to employ three secret tools of advocacy: the truth, the truth and the truth.


AIDS in Africa

The Road Forward

Joanna Breitstein

Senior Editor

The world has its eyes—and hopes—set on pharma's treatment models to scale up efforts to fight the AIDS epidemic. Will they be ready? The second in a two-part series.


More than Just a Pretty Color

David R. Schoneker


On-tablet technologies go further than RFID because they ensure the integrity and safety of pills throughout the supply chain, and into patients' mouths.

Clinical Trials

Transparent Trade-Offs

Bob Korsan and Kevin Dykstra


William Pullman, MD

Aventis Pharmaceuticals

The market judges drugs on more than just efficacy. Clinical Utility Indices measure these considerations throughout the development process, before it's too late.

News & Analysis

Leading Indicators


Government cracks down on conflicts of interest » FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford to focus on drug safety » Pharma's sales growing slower » SEC rules jeopardize vaccine stockpiles » FDA establishes drug safety panel » FDA OKs Aspen's AIDS drug for Africa.


Pharma's bad rap just got worse » Scripts for SSRIs slowed before FDA's proposed black box warning.

Thought Leaders

Marlene Bobka, VP of FOI Services, on the intelligence to be harvested from the Freedom of Information Act.

Washington Report

Putting the Medicare benefit into practice means pharma has to tackle some thorny issues.

Jill Wechsler

Global Report

European regulators consider new safety systems in response to Vioxx.

Sarah Houlton


Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean that they're not after you.

Sander A. Flaum

Flaum Partners

Legal Forum

India's new patent law threatens the country's generic ARV supply, a vital part of AIDS treatment.

Nagendra Setty

Jones Day

Strategy & Tactics

Direct to Consumer

Consumers make decisions with their pocketbooks, so why not partner with the payers?

Lisa B. Bair

The Hobart Group

Marketing to Professionals

Forget about outsourcing marketing materials—for some companies, real efficiencies are found in farming out the whole department.

Rich Levy


Alternative Media

Reaching doctors through e-mail is easier than you might think.

Sales Management

Allocating sales calls based on doctors' past prescribing behaviors will not improve sales force productivity.

S. Kent Stephan

Princeton Brand Econometrics

Public Relations

Disease awareness days are effective at improving knowledge about conditions—but only if they get noticed.

Megan Svenson

Marina Maher Communications


From the Editor

We have lots of solutions to drug safety—just not to the right problems.

Patrick Clinton


Back Page

States are in front of federal government in codifying compliance and disclosure of marketing spend.

Noah Shannon and Judith Braun-Davis

Polaris Management Partners


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