How one COVID-sparked model could help usher in needed reset.
The market for prescription medicines in the United States was subject to major shifts in use across therapeutic areas in 2022, reflecting changes in patient health needs, the development, and availability of novel medicines, and complex market dynamics.
Outlining the steps to a payment approach for Medicare Part D drugs that provides savings for patients.
The industry holds the key to true change to the drug access landscape.
The pandemic has raised the stakes for companies pursuing new data-harnessing capabilities in contract management and KPI benchmarking and tracking.
Exploring practical points to further understand and strengthen quality culture.
Optimally designed SSO program can allow companies to deliver therapies to patients faster and at a more affordable cost.
Amidst lack of funding for women’s health research, industry must collaborate now to advance RMMH.
Companies offering post-grad rotational programs develop broad skillsets in new hires.
With added push from the COVID-19 pandemic, investment in promising RNA- and cell and gene therapy-based treatments and technology via industry dealmaking is growing considerably.
The right market research insights provide a richer, more-nuanced picture of your customers as people, not just as numbers on a spreadsheet.
Treating medical affairs solely as a support function is penny-wise and pound foolish. With the advent of machine learning, the medical affairs team can innovate and perform their many functions better and more efficiently.
Embracing business imperatives such as operational efficiency and a focus on a patient-centric approach can help pharma leaders provide a stable foundation amid lingering uncertainty.
Biopharma companies can foster patient-centered innovation by focusing on unmet needs along each stage of the patient journey while collaborating with key stakeholders directly or indirectly responsible for disease management.
Key Challenges for Manufacturers and How MilliporeSigma is Leading Industry-Wide Change
Addressing sources of tension on differentiating types of data.
A discussion with medical leaders on the present and future state of this vital biopharmaceutical function.
Wearable sensors and remote monitoring technology can help HCPs monitor and manage COPD more effectively.
What biopharma companies need to know about this evolving regulatory pathway.
Pharm Exec’s 20th Annual Pipeline Report examines the emerging drug development trends and surging investments in five expanding therapeutic areas.
Understanding of recent legal developments can help companies avoid infringement.
Practical ways product teams can leverage the benefits of generative artificial intelligence as a strategic advantage in pharmaceutical and life sciences commercialization.
Applying the McKinsey 7S Framework to TLL and regional marketing teams.