
David Williams


How Do You Solve a Problem Like Manufacturing?

Outsourcing saves money-except when it doesn't. Here's how to decide what to do.

Terry Stone


Goodbye, Willy Loman

The days of pharma sales reps going office-to-office with samples and brochures are done. These days, they need to turn their attention to payers, pharmacists, and consumers

James A. Dutton


Education Trumps Regulation

New research points to the power of a highly educated sales force, supporting the case for a voluntary educational standard

John Moran


Blueprint for Excellence

In a time of slow growth, true innovators forge new relationships with core customers

Rich Bailey


A New Game Plan for Pharma HR

New dynamics are forcing the industry's human resource departments to rethink their operational game plans. The drivers-consolidation, globalization, scientific advances, public policy, and competition-have pushed HR leaders into new territory to address business needs.

Paul E. Kalb


Where Caremark Meets Park: A New Era of Regulatory Compliance and Criminal Liability

The Caremark and Park doctrines require directors and managers of life sciences companies to address regulatory compliance proactively and vigorously.

Margaret Mueller, Leo J. Shapiro & Associates


Earning the Public Trust—and Keeping It

The industry needs credibility with consumers to make a spoonful of risk go down. So how does pharma speak to top concerns?

Jeff Gilbreth


Part 3: How to Enforce Post-Employment Restrictions

Courts are often hesitant to enforce such restrictions, so employers should take certain steps prior to and in the process of filing such a lawsuit.

John Still


How Not to Handle Rebates

In these cost cutting times, no drugmaker can afford to keep shoveling money down the Rebate Black Hole. Here's how to optimize your ROI and push back against the growing pressure of third-party rebates

Michael D. Lam


Magic Molecules

Pharm Exec's Pipeline Report is packed with 25 of the year's most eye-catching experimental drugs. What's their secret? No smoke or mirrors-just innovative science, therapeutic value, and good business sense.

Gen Li


Site Activation: The Key to More Efficient Clinical Trials

A new study of hundreds of thousands of clinical trial records reveals that the overall length of a trial is directly related to how long it takes to activate the study sites - and that most companies are wasting precious weeks and even months in activation. Here's how to improve your performance.

Sharon Caffrey


Wyeth V. Levine: An Attorneys' Perspective

Lawyers from Duane Morris LLP offer their take on the Supreme Court's groundshaking preemption decision

Laura Schoen


Crisis Preparedness in an Always-On Digital World

The first 120 minutes of a crisis can determine the public’s perception of an organization. And in today’s digital world, companies are more at risk than ever to viral attacks from unexpected sources.

Doretta W. Gasorek


The Rise and Fall of Pharma Reputations

As a reputation driver, ethical behavior has increased steadily in importance over the last three years.

Albert I. Wertheimer


Lifecycle: End Game

Very few drugs live forever. Barring remarkable scientific advances and radical market dynamics, most drugs hit old age-and sharply declining sales-several years before their patent expires. But some drugs go out with a bang, not a whimper.

Matthew Herman




Leonard M. Fuld


The Intelligence Diaries

Business intelligence in a time of greater transparency is a whole new ball game. To play it well, be sure to look for surprising insights, expand your list of competitors of interest, and don't let Google be your only guide.

Michael Feehan, Observant LLC


The Lesser of Two Evils

Is the American Medical Association's (AMA) Prescribing Data Restriction Program (PDRP) the answer to physicians' privacy concerns, or will it just hamper the relationship between rep and doc? Observant LLC recently gauged reactions to the PDRP and doctors' expectancies of how this initiative affects physicians' practices and their relationships with pharmaceutical representatives. The findings suggest that the initiative may have paradoxical negative implications for physicians.

Todd Jackson


Bottom Line Booster

Given the colossal revenue generated by just one blockbuster drug, it's no surprise that R&D always finds its way to the top of management's agenda. But now more than ever, pharmaceutical companies can't thrive on discovery alone. Price pressure from the public and private sectors drives companies to create savings through operational efficiencies. One of the biggest areas for financial gain"better management of capital assets"is often overlooked.

Bob Davenport, Hay Group


Salesforce Survey 2008

Welcome to the new employer's market for reps. The Hay Group's annual survey reports how, as the primary sales force contracts, so too does its pay.

Richard A. Epstein


FDA vs. the Individual

Who should make decisions about drug safety-FDA or patients and doctors? In this excerpt from his important new book Overdose, the renowned (and ever controversial) legal scholar Richard A. Epstein argues that the current system overvalues risk, ignores individual differences, and needlessly deprives patients of valuable treatments.

Jeffrey Brown


Legal: E-headache

Documents from R&D, clinical affairs, regulatory, and sales and marketing can be in the millions. Throw electronic information into the mix, and the number of documents required for litigation increases exponentially.

Louis A. Morris


Drug Safety: Failure to Communicate

Many see Vioxx and Avandia as clear signs that the drug safety system has failed. As soon as reports of these drugs' adverse events began to flood the media, consumers-and Congress-demanded to know: "Why didn't we know sooner?"

Steve Singer, PRh


Vouchers: More Data, Fewer Dollars

Sampling is a sales rep's foot in the door to doctors' offices and the quickest way to get products into consumers' hands. That's why reps handed out $5 billion worth of the freebies last year, spending 30 percent of companies' promotional budgets in the process. Despite that huge investment, few product managers can assess its impact on product inventory, consumer demand, prescription rates, or market share. But sampling's greatest failure is its inability to provide the healthcare industry with product-use or patient data.

Carol Cherkis


Sharing IP, Sharing Risk

Thanks to growth in international trade, rapid technological innovation, and a willingness to share intellectual property (IP), the number of corporate cross border alliances has grown steadily.