
Penny Daniels


Making the Switch

Dr. Doug Bierer felt like he was in a courtroom, waiting for the jury to render its verdict. It was June 2002, and executives from Procter & Gamble and its partner AstraZeneca had just finished presenting their bid to FDA's Non-Prescription Drugs Advisory Committee (NDAC) to market the popular heartburn medication, Prilosec (omeprazole), as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug.

Johanna Schlossberg


Marketing to Professionals: The Advertorial Effect

Advertorials were shown to be more effective than branded ads in terms of generating interest, providing valuable info, and provoking follow-up discussions

Steven Tarnoff


How to Keep Out of Regulatory Quicksand

OIG now requires corporate marketing departments and field sales reps to not only document how they promote products, but to also-for the first time-demonstrate the "intent" of marketing activities.

Thomas J. Parker


Generics Battle Heats Up

The competition for generics' 180-day marketing exclusivity is fierce, and Dr. Reddy's Laboratories filed the first court case calling into question FDA's methods for determining exclusivity on a patent-by-patent basis.

Joseph Saba


When Accessing Healthcare Value is in the Eye of the Beholder

As patients pay more healthcare expenses directly from their own pockets, the industry must look at patients' ability to pay alongside willingness to pay to understand the various factors of patient decisions to accept or decline treatment.

Howard Davis


Protecting IP Throughout the Product Lifecycle

Now that patents on several blockbuster drugs have expired, the industry-feeling the pinch-has focused its attention on intellectual property. Because every additional month of market exclusivity can mean an extra $50 million or more in revenue, pharma companies have gone to great lengths to block the entry of generic competition.

Bill Cooney


Digital Alternatives Define New Sales Force

Teams must adapt techniques to embrace new technologies in order to remain successful

A Sponsored Supplement from Focus Reports


India: An Emerging Knowledge Superpower

"India, as a manufacturing hub, offers safe, effective, quality medicines, at the very best prices. Now, we are on our way to become a R&D hub." For Dilip Shah, General Secretary of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), India is currently on its way to undertake one of the greatest transformations ever experienced within the pharmaceutical industry, although the excitement has been over 30 years in the making.

Kevin Gopal


Drug Promotion to Docs on the Defensive

Canberra, Australia-The Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association has denounced calls from the country's media and some of its doctors to drastically curtail drug promotion. APMA chief executive Alan Evans says any such move would severely affect the healthcare of millions of people in Australia and could even result in premature death.

Michael Guardado


Lights, camera, action!

Tips for successful speaker programs.

Nick Hicks


Can Med Tech Follow Pharma's Lead in Patient Advocacy?

The drive towards greater patient centricity in the med tech industry has been reinforced by new EMA legislation. Can med tech follow pharma's example in engaging with patient advocates?

Jonathan B. Leiken


Legal: Foreign Policy

Compliance requires overcoming cultural barriers. To start with, in some countries the taboo against bribery is not as strong as it is here.

Sara Donnelly, Associate Editor


Doctor's Orders

Dr. Michael Kessler and Mark Vitello of MD Mindset have the cure for the common sales pitch? Look at the transaction from the customer's perspective

Patrick Howie


Finding the Translators: Helping Connect the Science to the Patient

The need for analytics translators is not limited to data science. The adoption of all scientific or technical advances, including those in the healthcare industry, needs effective translators. So what does this mean for pharma marketing?

Marcee Nelson


Ten Minutes to Connect

How one conversation between a woman and her physician can make or break a brand

Steve Wunker


The Road to Nowhere?

Drug companies can do to specialists what Intel did to PC box makers: commoditize them.

Jeanette Pine


Dress for the part

Fashion rules for reps.

Jeannette Park


Direct to Consumer: No-Name Opportunity

Most DTC marketers say education has been their primary goal all along, but that often, branded messages got in the way. Now marketers are doing something about it, as evidenced by recent increases in unbranded ads. Pharma companies are producing campaigns that more clearly encourage consumers to seek information about their conditions, rather than just running out and requesting a script from their doctors.

Sunshine K. Mugrabi


Back Page: Risk Assessment

Genomic researchers are developing tools to determine whether the right patients are taking statins.

Bill Drummy


Decoding the Disruption: Making Meaningful Marketing Out of Top Trends

Separating the meaningful from the merely novel, Bill Drummy outlines his Top Ten digital marketing trends for 2017.

Peter Young


Industry Business Check: Market Review Rates the Latest Full-Year Outputs

A look at pharma and biotech financing, M&A, and stock market performance in 2023—and where developments may head next as company executives continue to navigate stormy but perhaps stabilizing waters in the months ahead.

Jeffrey Boschwitz


Track Patients, Not Prescriptions

Even though data can single out physicians with high marketing upsides, most pharma companies are doing without such high-value data.

Geoffrey M. Levitt


Meetings: Doctor Consultation

Meetings at which peripheral activities become the focal point are likely to attract scrutiny.

Tim Short


A New Game Plan for Pharma HR

New dynamics are forcing the industry's human resource departments to rethink their operational game plans. The drivers-consolidation, globalization, scientific advances, public policy, and competition-have pushed HR leaders into new territory to address business needs.

Merle Kummer


Building Common Knowledge to Get Results

A leader can reframe a situation. By recognizing that her own perspective may be incomplete, the leader can expand her frame to include more options for action than simply repeating herself.