
Kati Chupa


How to work better with your DM

Make your working relationship a two-way street.

Charles McLaughlin


The Road to Nowhere?

Drug companies can do to specialists what Intel did to PC box makers: commoditize them.

Clayton Christensen


The Road to Nowhere?

Drug companies can do to specialists what Intel did to PC box makers: commoditize them.

Christopher Lisanti


Physician Frustration

As the industry thinks about new sales force models, it should look beyond ROI numbers, toward a new paradigm that not only works for pharma, but also for its customers.

Ronald J. Naples


Best Bang for the Buck

Knowing what falls into fixed and variable expenses will make it easier to note what falls into high priority.

Pharm Exec Europe


EGA Calls for Removal of Barriers to Generics in Europe

Adrian van den Hoven, Director General of the European Generics Association (EGA), this week called for the removal of barriers to generic medicines across the European Union.

John Serio


Ignorance is No Excuse

State clinical trials requirements are in place to protect people from being exploited, or unsafely exposed to compounds. Forty years later, it's easy to say, "How did this happen?"

Robert J. Hunkler


More Than a Game of Keep Away

Industry self-policing may be the only way to stop state Legislators who want to ban sales Reps, and even whole companies, from using Prescribing information.

Jesse A. Witten


Legal: The Kickback Effect

Criminal penalties for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act can be substantial. Businesses found guilty may be fined upwards of $2.5 million for each offense, or twice the amount gained as a result of the violation.

Alexander Petersen


Sewing Up New Sales

More than high-call frequency will be necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive sales environment.

Susan Dorfman


Measuring the Value of KOL Interactions

Thought leaders are a critical component of a pharmaceutical company?s professional marketing and medical strategies. But companies face a real challenge in creating, maintaining, and leveraging those relationships while safely navigating logistical issues and regulatory waters.

Mark Vitello


What change is doing to sales forces

And what you can do about it.

Sibyl Shalo


Out to Lunch?

It's twelve o'clock-do you know where your reps are? According to research from Health Strategies Group, lunches provide one of the few opportunities in today's short-call environment for sit-down discussions with doctors. The average length of a lunch is 13 minutes, with an average of three physicians per meeting.

Kenneth I. Kaitin


Opinion: Memo to von Eschenbach

Often, post-approval marketing studies don't materialize because drug companies question their value. Independent review of the need for such studies would address pharma's concern that they may be warranted.

Tim Kelly


Knowledge-Based Outsourcing: Driving Deeper Insights

Tracking, monitoring, and trend evaluation is not enough. Companies must now do more than assess what happened and why.

Mark Perlotto


The Place of Digital in the Pharma Marketing Mix

Thirty-nine years ago this past June, an article appeared in BusinessWeek that offered readers what was for its time a startling degree of foresight.

Jonathan Wilkenfeld


50 5 2005

Implementation of policies that respond to industry compliance standards poses a considerable burden for companies in terms of time and expense. Unless industry changes its response to state laws, the condition will worsen.

Ron Feemster


One Pill Makes You Small

The obesity pipeline, despite a hugely underserved market potentially worth $11 billion, is awfully thin.

Bryan Luce


Backpage: Taking Hold of the Wheel

FDA's cautious approach to allowing drug manufacturers to communicate the economic value of drugs is contributing to an already poorly informed healthcare industry, and may be curtailing access to useful drugs.

Jeff Brady


Sales Management: Spending Under Scrutiny

Given the high volume of rep interactions with healthcare professionals, companies must work toward achieving a fully integrated system that collects data from across the entire enterprise.

Arthur Lazarus, MD


Back Page: Heart of Gold

I feel vulnerable to accusations that I work on the dark side, that I've sold out to corporate medicine.

Stephan Danner


Tomorrow’s Selling Strategies: Invest & Test

A new PwC survey reveals a strong need to fully embrace alternative commercial methods-not in a blind frenzy but through careful evaluation of which new sales strategies have true innovative potential.

Richard Elks


Legal: Jumping the Pond

Class actions threaten industries that deal with the public. If European lawmakers remove the restriction on class-action suits, consumers will be free to file cases. Pharma companies should take heed.

Beau Chatham


Getting more from your PDA

Personal digital assistants are only as good as their operators.

Matthew Kibby


Culture Clubs: Independent Ethics Committees

Before clinical trials began to cross international lines, recruiting patients was fairly simple. Recruiters had to research only one country's cultural and regulatory standards. But as trials go multinational and the various players in the global study community begin working together for the first time, sponsors discover new levels of complexity. Divergent regulations, cultures, and languages hamstring efforts to find a single approach to patient-outreach communications.

Elan Rubinstein


Bustin' a CAP: The Competative Acquisition Program

Medicare's Competitive Acquisition Program takes a shot at reforming Part B drug distribution. But the new rules evoke a vast and complicated Rube Goldberg machine, where nobody gains much-except CMS.