
Stan Striker


Sales Management: The X Factor

Gen Xers are attractive to many managers because they typically have a strong work ethic. Although they are self-reliant, they still desire to be taken seriously and want to be valued by their companies.

Stuart Taylor


How to ACE a job interview

This information will help prepare you to secure your perfect job.

Jon Koch


Can Data and AI Deliver Whole-Person Health?

Executives in the life sciences and medical device industries see promise in artificial intelligence (AI) and medical technologies, but must also navigate the changing healthcare ecosystem, varied stakeholder needs, and the impact of AI on market access and commercialization strategies.

George P. Sillup, PhD


Pressed Into Action: Measuring Pharma’s Reputation Reversal

Study analyzes mainstream media coverage of the industry before and after the COVID-19 lockdown.

Scott Lindholm


Becoming the rep doctors want to see

The key to success is to become a value-added resource, a rep that delivers tangible benefits to physicians.

Robert A. Musacchio


More Than a Game of Keep Away

Industry self-policing may be the only way to stop state Legislators who want to ban sales Reps, and even whole companies, from using Prescribing information.

Patrick Angelastro


Special Report: Platform Drugs—Marketing Your Opportunities

Tracking business by indication is critical for evaluating market performance and making accurate resource allocations

Jere Doyle


Alternative Media: How to Capture Your target Consumers' Profile Data Online

Since each consumer has unique preferences and online habits, marketers should leverage a variety of channels to capture a high volume of targeted consumer profile data, without jeapordizing the quality of their lists.

Ian Wilcox


The Diversity Dearth in Pharma

Why the industry needs more women in senior management roles-and the three strategies to get there.

David Galardi


Bustin' a CAP: The Competative Acquisition Program

Medicare's Competitive Acquisition Program takes a shot at reforming Part B drug distribution. But the new rules evoke a vast and complicated Rube Goldberg machine, where nobody gains much-except CMS.

Peter Pitts


If It Walks Like a Duck

Dietary supplements function like drugs and are marketed like drugs. They should be regulated like ducks.

David N. Stievater


Sewing Up New Sales

More than high-call frequency will be necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive sales environment.

Mark Senak


Closing the Digital Gap: FDA’s Oversight of Social Media

The parameters governing pharma promotional speech in digital and social media have struggled to keep pace with the rapidly evolving healthcare communications landscape. How can FDA play catch-up in advancing an agenda more reflective of industry and patient needs?

Wendy Huang


Medicare Part D: D for Doomed?

As seniors become frustrated and Part D enrollment lags, drug benefit plans cannot grow fast enough to manage risk. Some leave the market, and others cut benefits.

Jason Pesile


Medicare Part D: D for Doomed?

As seniors become frustrated and Part D enrollment lags, drug benefit plans cannot grow fast enough to manage risk. Some leave the market, and others cut benefits.

Gary Norman


Direct to Consumer: If These Walls Had Ears

Dtc advertising has caused more than its share of controversy both inside and outside the industry. Critics wonder: Are patients paying for drugs they don't need? Meanwhile, industry is still struggling to answer the basics: How effective is DTC in getting patients to request a drug by name? CommonHealth's MBS/Vox division conducted a survey that tried to answer industry's question, and in doing so, inform the wider debate about DTC's role in healthcare.

Eleanor O'Rangers


Marketing to Professionals: Savvy Strategists

These "guns for hire" bring the science and marketing savvy that clients need, often with in-depth category experience, but without the commitment and cost associated with hiring a full-time employee.

Andrew Chadwick-Jones


Vaccines: Market on the Rebound

Mergers have cut the field of companies with real marketing and manufacturing muscle from 25 to five. The 2004 vaccine market will double by 2009.

Kenneth A. Getz


Anticipating Digital Transformation of the Drug Development Workforce

The drug development sector is embracing technologies and digital methods that were previously not as widely used due to the COVID-19 global health crisis.

Michele Goldberg


PE's Annual Sales and Marketing Employment Survey: The Big Squeeze

In spite of pharmaceutical employers' best intentions to the contrary, sales rep compensation is being squeezed in a vise that is gradually narrowing the gaps between what top, average, and bottom performers are earning. According to the Hay Group's Pharmaceutical Sales Force Effectiveness Study, co-sponsored by Pharmaceutical Executive, reps in the 90th percentile are earning just 40 percent more than the average performer. This is not to suggest that reps aren't being paid handsomely (they are), but that the pay-for-performance model is showing signs of weakness.

Michael Fronstin


A Fresh Look at Co-morbidity

As americans age, they are likely to suffer from more than one chronic condition at a time. So as the country's population grays, the rate at which patients presenting co-morbid indications will increase, as will the absolute number of patients whose treatment must be adjusted for more than one disease. These are not surprising facts, but they deserve careful consideration by pharma manufacturers and marketers.

Otavio Freire


Marketing to Professionals: Key Opinion Control

Marketing effectively to physicians in today's pharmaceutical industry is more important than ever. No longer can companies rely solely on DTC and sales force efforts to increase drug and therapeutics revenue.

Ed Yavuz


What Does It Take to be a Global Leader in Training

Our goal is competency-based training that has a solid business need, sound instructional design based on adult-learning principles, and metrics that can capture, evaluate, and track what we do. We want a blended-learning approach that can be delivered over the Web, on CD-ROM, or on paper.

Amy Katzenberg


Unleash the Tablets

Some reps take to tablet PCs like ducks to water, while others wait for them to become the gold standard. Good training can put everyone on the same page.

Anthony Manson


Unleash the Tablets

Some reps take to tablet PCs like ducks to water, while others wait for them to become the gold standard. Good training can put everyone on the same page.

Wayne L. Pines


Agency Best Practice in Regulatory Compliance

The pharmaceutical industry imposes higher standards on advertising, PR, and medical education agencies than any other industry, except perhaps the financial services sector. Agencies need to keep up with constantly changing rules for advertising and promoting drugs or devices.