
Bill Woywod


Four Critical Considerations for Launching Digital Diagnostic Tools

Creating a digital diagnostic that is supplemental and strategic to a company’s therapeutic asset requires due diligence to monetize the digital health innovation, or at least ensure optionality through the product development cycle.

David Weiss


How Machine Learning Gives Life Sciences Sales a Competitive Advantage

How machine learning can provide an on-demand portfolio-wide view of optimal provider targeting and related field deployment.

Jeremy Docken


PDPRA's Operational Challenges

Whether or not the new Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act is a good policy, if it is enacted, its proposals have to work as intended and ensure compliant operationalization, writes Jeremy Docken.

John Nelson, Brand Insights Contributor, Head of Strategy, CultHealth


Text ROI to 55150

Channel mix nirvana. It’s like a group of superheroes with all different strengths; working together to achieve the extraordinary. Deploy different channels to achieve different objectives.

Myra Reinhardt, Brand Insights Contributor, VP of Product Innovation and Analytics, Lash Group


Evaluating Electronic Benefit Verification Solutions for Your Patient Support Program

As specialty therapies evolve and more treatment options for chronic and complex diseases become available, patients are seeking treatment options that are both effective and affordable.

Vinay Torani


505(b)(2): A Pathway to Competitiveness Through Innovation for Specialty and Generic Companies

As the market for specialty and generic products continues to become more competitive and pricing pressures increase, the 505(b)(2) pathway may allow companies more options to diversify their portfolios.

Eduardo Schur


Commercial Models for the Changing Life Sciences Market

Life sciences companies have an opportunity to craft a sales approach that resonates with clients, protects against future disruptions and stands out from the competition.

Mohit Jain


505(b)(2): A Pathway to Competitiveness Through Innovation for Specialty and Generic Companies

As the market for specialty and generic products continues to become more competitive and pricing pressures increase, the 505(b)(2) pathway may allow companies more options to diversify their portfolios.

Doug Balogh


505(b)(2): A Pathway to Competitiveness Through Innovation for Specialty and Generic Companies

As the market for specialty and generic products continues to become more competitive and pricing pressures increase, the 505(b)(2) pathway may allow companies more options to diversify their portfolios.

Wolfgang Bauriedel


Beyond “Tech Talent”: New Leadership in Pharma’s Digital Age

With an increase in digital technology being utilized as a strategic differentiator and business enabler in pharma, where is talent coming from?

Maneesh Dube


Beyond “Tech Talent”: New Leadership in Pharma’s Digital Age

With an increase in digital technology being utilized as a strategic differentiator and business enabler in pharma, where is talent coming from?

Sandy Jennings


A Bad Deal with Data?

Approach for pharma field sales reps in need of reboot.

Melanie Sena


435 New Medicines in Development for “Older Americans”

According to a new report by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), America’s biopharmaceutical research companies are developing 435 new medicines to target 15 leading chronic conditions affecting the Medicare population.

Guenter Kloucek


Turning Commercial Compliance Roadblocks into a Springboard for Innovation

While new regulatory requirements are often seen as a roadblock, they also present an opportunity to develop new and innovative solutions.

Friedemann Lutz


Turning Commercial Compliance Roadblocks into a Springboard for Innovation

While new regulatory requirements are often seen as a roadblock, they also present an opportunity to develop new and innovative solutions.

Terry G. Mahn


The Bad Rap on Pharma: In Defense of Patents

A look at drug pricing and patents and the role for patents and how they are under attack.

Thomas Bertels


Turning Commercial Compliance Roadblocks into a Springboard for Innovation

While new regulatory requirements are often seen as a roadblock, they also present an opportunity to develop new and innovative solutions.

Ted Prusik


Cure for the Common Cold Chain Break

In medicines, as in life, the journey is just as important as the end result

Stephanie Brewer, PhD


How to Communicate About an Ongoing Epidemic of Historic Proportions

The industry faces a problem of medical education and communication in regards to vaccinations.

Barbara Blasso


How to Communicate About an Ongoing Epidemic of Historic Proportions

The industry faces a problem of medical education and communication in regards to vaccinations.

Laura Wilson, Brand Insights Contributor, Patient Strategy, Fingerpaint


How Rare Disease Marketing Will Stretch Beyond the Patient

The foundation of a strong rare disease marketing program must be built on the comprehensive knowledge of how the life-altering disease impacts all areas of a patient’s life.

Jonathan Romeo, Brand Insights Contributor, Brand Strategy, Fingerpaint


How Rare Disease Marketing Will Stretch Beyond the Patient

The foundation of a strong rare disease marketing program must be built on the comprehensive knowledge of how the life-altering disease impacts all areas of a patient’s life.

Shannon L. Wiley


California Law Requires Legal, Compliance Scrutiny to Maintain Pharma Data Sharing

A summary of the key impacts new law, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), will have on business practices related to data flow in specialty pharma, and more.

Katie Rapp


How Cell and Gene Therapy Companies Can Adapt in an Evolving Commercial Landscape

Three changes manufacturers should consider in the wake of COVID-19.

Jaime L. Barwig


California Law Requires Legal, Compliance Scrutiny to Maintain Pharma Data Sharing

A summary of the key impacts new law, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), will have on business practices related to data flow in specialty pharma, and more.

Mark Bouch


Pharma Outsourcing: Keys to Productivity in 2020s

Eight lessons to drive better outsourcing decisions.