
Stephen Frost


Is Pharma Too Introspective to be Truly Innovative?

Every major pharma company undertakes some form of diversity and inclusion work. However, that doesn’t mean it’s reaching the decision-makers, writes Stephen Frost.

Matthew Sussman


Coordinating Data and Analytics Ownership with Payers and Providers

Matthew Sussman explores strategies for facilitating access to the timely patient data and analysis needed for successful value-based agreements between manufacturers, payer and provider organizations in 2020 and beyond.

Peter Harbin


How to Ride the Data Wave When Launching a New Drug

How exactly do pharma companies account for a gap between their hopes for a new drug and reality? Peter Harbin reports.

Rebecca Cotton


COVID & Chronic Disease: Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Patients

Pharma companies are in a unique position to support and educate at-risk populations through patient services hubs.

Callum Hawes


Make Content Work Harder from Start to Finish

A centralized platform for assets supports the industry’s need for a greater volume of more diverse content, writes Callum Hawes.

Holly Hitchen


Keys to Successful Virtual Medical Meetings

With medical meetings and congresses going virtual in the face of COVID-19, how do pharma companies put together a strategic plan for a new format that meets goals while remaining sensitive to the broader environment?

Arda Ural, PhD


Navigating the Recession and Patent Expirations

Pharma is built to overcome, but focus on fundamentals remains key.

Robert Adler, Brand Insights Contributor, Founding Strategic Partner, CultHealth


Digital Engagement With Physicians and Other Healthcare Professionals

Whenever you hear “tried-and-true” used to describe a strategy, tactic, workshop, or any other fundamental step required to achieve market domination-ask the speaker what year it is.

Andrew Schorr


Niche Online Programming Amid COVID-19 for Oncology Pharma

Cancer patients are now utilizing online programming made available by Patient Power as a source for expert analysis.

Chance Scott


Evolve the Role of Reimbursement Policy to Meet the Needs of the New Market Access Ecosystem

Chance Scott shares insights on the benefits of evolving the role and integration of your reimbursement policy team to serve as market access partners and propellants, as well as the best practices for how to do so.

Kathryne Kirk


The Myth of Skyrocketing Drug Prices: A Closer Look at The US Gross to Net Problem

While there has been an increase in discourse concerning drug pricing transparency in recent years, there is still a degree of misunderstanding. This is due to the healthcare industry's numerous stakeholders and their compelling interests. This research done by Guidehouse aims to clear the picture.

Erik Sabot


The Myth of Skyrocketing Drug Prices: A Closer Look at The US Gross to Net Problem

While there has been an increase in discourse concerning drug pricing transparency in recent years, there is still a degree of misunderstanding. This is due to the healthcare industry's numerous stakeholders and their compelling interests. This research done by Guidehouse aims to clear the picture.

Joseph Black


Pricing for Rare Disease and Curative Therapies: What’s Fair?

There has been a considerable amount of attention given to the rising costs of pharmaceutical and biotechnology therapies in the US. In early 2020, Charles River Associates conducted this research to determine what "fair" prices would be for these therapies.

Matthew Majewski


Reducing Prescription Drug Costs for Seniors: The ABCs of ASP for Part D

Outlining the steps to a payment approach for Medicare Part D drugs that provides savings for patients.

Kristen Backor


Pricing for Rare Disease and Curative Therapies: What’s Fair?

There has been a considerable amount of attention given to the rising costs of pharmaceutical and biotechnology therapies in the US. In early 2020, Charles River Associates conducted this research to determine what "fair" prices would be for these therapies.

Ed Schoonveld


Pharma’s Choice After COVID: Hero or Villain

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, will drug companies be able to tame subdued anger against the industry by creating meaningful drug innovations?



Managing the COVID-19 Drug Safety Response

Current safety reporting systems cannot meet the demands of a COVID-19 response. Find out how digital transformation enables rapid understanding & management of drug safety.

Jing Watnick


Cancer Patients Can Not Afford To Put Their Struggle on Hold

With widescale collaboration among companies, academia, and the science community to solve COVID-19, we can hope that this crisis has acted as a catalyst to increase positive perception for the biopharma industry.

Eric Bouilloux


Medical Affairs and Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Board Certification: A Comprehensive Review

With the growth of the medical science liaison (MSL) role in mind, this article provides a comprehensive review of the board certification programs that are currently available to MSLs and other medical affairs professionals.

Jill Massey


Medical Affairs and Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Board Certification: A Comprehensive Review

With the growth of the medical science liaison (MSL) role in mind, this article provides a comprehensive review of the board certification programs that are currently available to MSLs and other medical affairs professionals.

Tina Kanmaz


Medical Affairs and Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Board Certification: A Comprehensive Review

With the growth of the medical science liaison (MSL) role in mind, this article provides a comprehensive review of the board certification programs that are currently available to MSLs and other medical affairs professionals.

Daniel S. Fitzgerald


How Pharma Can Help Address Physician Burnout–Amplifying the Voice of the Physician

Prescribers cite ways to alleviate systemic threats to their ability to serve.

Derek Choy


AI 2.0: The Humanizing of Machine Learning Technology

Digital engagement is becoming the new normal, but it can inhibit the individual connection that is foundational to building long-term customer relationships. How can reps, brand teams, and medical science liaisons strike the right balance of personal and non-personal engagement? The next generation of AI has an answer, writes Derek Choy.

Heather Zenk


The Pharma Supply Chain: Responding to COVID-19

Taking stock of evolving practices in protecting the supply chain amid the pandemic, including partnering and planning for what’s next.

Irene Infanti


Outlining Current and Future Trends in Medical Information

With the role of Medical Information in pharma companies changing in recent years, this article outlines some current and future trends including globalization and the use of data to drive change.

Mary Anne Greenberg


A Rare-Disease Must? Building Long-Term Relationships

The importance of life sciences companies focused on rare diseases to take early steps to bridge connections with patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.



COVID-19 Action Plan for Ethics and Compliance Teams

Compliance officers from the life sciences industry joined together recently to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the ways we live and work, and how those changes have impacted the life sciences industry as a whole and will continue to do so in the future.

Justin Zamirowski


New Standards for First-to-Launch Players

While COVID-19 has shifted some of the rules, research reveals that practice changes were already afoot for market newcomers.

Maya Desai


How Can Pharma Companies Join the Digital Therapeutics Revolution?

More and more companies are joining forces with software developers to create innovative products. But many are learning the hard way that making next-generation digital therapeutics isn’t as easy as signing a partnership agreement.