
Laura Ramos


How reps sell around the globe

'Snapshots' of selling environments from other parts of the world.

Shabbir Dahod


Safe and Secure

Electronic product codes (EPCs) provide a nearly perfect solution for many of pharma's problems with counterfeiting, diversion, theft, and the like.

John Egerton


Telling detail: A cautionary tale

One physician's candid view of reps and their tactics.

Richard Ensman


Test your techno-vocabulary

How familiar are you with today's technological terms? See if you can match the terms listed on the left with their definitions on the right. (Answers appear at bottom of page.)

Don Ragas


Super-Size Me: Optimizing the Information Explosion

Options for using data have proliferated to the point of becoming overwhelming. So what opportunities does this information explosion present?

Calvin Bruce


Maintain a competitive edge

Competition is a key component of sales.

Joe Scrocco


HCP Giveaways: Get Real

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (?PPACA?) requires manufacturers to record, aggregate and report to the federal government ?payments and other transfers of value? to a covered recipient. This article will focus on the two key convention-related items under PPACA: food and educational products.

Leela Barham


Minimizing the Risk of Mistakes in HTA

We all make mistakes — and that includes those involved in Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Following an error made by ICER this year, Leela Barham looks at similar mistakes made in the past and what can be done about them.

Jim Hladnik


HCP Giveaways: Get Real

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (?PPACA?) requires manufacturers to record, aggregate and report to the federal government ?payments and other transfers of value? to a covered recipient. This article will focus on the two key convention-related items under PPACA: food and educational products.

Mason Tenaglia


The New Metrics of Market Success

Profitability now depends on metrics to help companies answer a key strategic question: "stay the course" with more investment in sales and marketing? Or "stand down" and deploy those scarce assets somewhere else?

Sarah Krüg


Time to Appoint a 'Chief Patient Officer'?

Sarah Krug asks if it is time for pharma companies to appoint a Chief Patient Officer, a new position designed to build an accord around patient trust.



Recommendations for Accelerating Cell and Gene Therapies

While there are many successes to show for its decades of development, there remain four substantial problems that impede the velocity with which cell and gene therapies can be brought to market. Despite the intricacies of these issues, there are emerging solutions to address them. If the biopharma industry can develop these solutions on a broad scale, cell and gene technologies can accelerate and fulfill the early promise of regenerative medicine.

Charles E. Parker


Deliver a pharmaceutical "power lunch"

Once you mast the details behind lunch and learns you can smoothly deliver the most successful sales program available.

James Ward


Can Social Media Give Big Pharma Back its Reputation?

Industry's ability to master the external environment depends on making the 140-character shorthand of the Twitter generation its own.

Bill Voelkel


Manage yourself to success

The most successful sales representatives don't wait to be empowered by their manager - they empower themselves.

Paul J. Meyer, Jr.


Sharing IP, Sharing Risk

Thanks to growth in international trade, rapid technological innovation, and a willingness to share intellectual property (IP), the number of corporate cross border alliances has grown steadily.

Web Fletcher


CRM Checklist for Success

Customer relationship management (CRM) has become a pharma buzzword, but few companies actually practice it. That is about to change.

Ian Lazarus


CRO's Cross Over NOW

The digital revolution is knocking at the doors of the clinical research industry, and CROs are increasingly, if reluctantly, letting it in. Although the biotech industry revels in the promise of wireless solutions, Internet applications, and genomic discoveries, CROs have largely shunned opportunities for technological improvements and remain insulated from such advances in other health sectors.

Pratap Khedkar, ZS Associates


Gottlieb is Stepping Down From the FDA’s Most Forward-Looking Chapter

We’re about to lose the most tech-savvy FDA chief in recent memory, writes Pratap Khedkar.

George Koroneos


Mixed Criticism on Avandia Effectiveness

GSK's blockbuster diabetes drug Avandia was the subject of a number of studies this week offering good and bad news. But the company's big challenge is going to be FDA's advisory review panel set to meet in two short weeks.

Philip Puls


Why Use a Clinical Data Warehouse?

An increasing pressure to get products to market means more data must be handled within a shorter time span. But how?

Judith A. Nicholas, PhD


Three Challenges to CRO Success

The last few years have seen tremendous consolidation in both the pharmaceutical and contract research industries. The impact among pharma companies has created a heightened demand for productivity. Consequently, contract research organizations (CROs) have struggled to find their footing in a business where the number of customers has shrunk and the demand for speed and cost-effectiveness has risen. Delivering service excellence when customers' names and addresses are changing regularly is a challenge, resulting in disrupted continuity, broken lines of communication, and policies and relationships thrown into disarray.

Chris Hart


What pharma can learn from general manufacturing in a recession

While pharma is not synchronized with the boom and bust of the general economy, lessons from the business cycle facing manufacturers can enable the pharmaceutical industry to tackle the problems it faces, writes Chris Hart of McKinney Rogers.

Kathleen Dunn, KFDunn Life Sciences


Personalized Medicines: Implications for Pharma

Marketers will need to address not only the benefits of the therapy but also the benefits of a diagnostic assay.