
Niels Buch Leander


Why Use a Clinical Data Warehouse?

An increasing pressure to get products to market means more data must be handled within a shorter time span. But how?

Ken Begasse Jr


Four Launch Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

In the white heat of a major brand launch, we can be consumed by the day to day challenges and make mistakes. But some of the worst mistakes can be avoided with a little foresight, writes Ken Begasse.

Charles Beever


What's Really Driving Costs?

According to many legislators and the media, pharma companies, abetted by Madison Avenue, lead the corporate villain list, just below auditors and errant CEOs.

Clifford Kalb


Pharma 2016: Hot Topics, Burning Questions

Pharm Exec Editorial Advisory Board member Cliff Kalb poses some of the pertinent questions he expects the pharma industry will be asking this year.

Reid Paul


Supreme Court Gets Final Say on Overtime

With conflicting lower court decisions over whether pharmaceutical sales reps should be paid for overtime, the Supreme Court has agreed to settle the matter. The court will hear the case brought by two former GSK reps that were denied their overtime claim by a Circuit Court.

Lisa Werner Carr


The future of phamaceutical sales training: Internet as instructor

Learning and training from home is just around the corner.

Jack Snader


The Art of good listening

One of the most common complaints customers express about salespeople is that they don't listen. And one of the quickest ways to destroy customer confidence is to make an off-the-wall comment or a misfit proposal that shows you haven't been listening.

Amy Prashker


Creating Clinical Portals: A Model for Success

Clinical trials are complex, time consuming, and data intensive. Yet pharma remains one of the few industries that is still largely paper driven.

Sara Melo-Pereira


Measuring the Value of KOL Interactions

Thought leaders are a critical component of a pharmaceutical company?s professional marketing and medical strategies. But companies face a real challenge in creating, maintaining, and leveraging those relationships while safely navigating logistical issues and regulatory waters.

Gopkiran Rao, Model N


Code Orange

How will US healthcare reform affect drug pricing, revenue, and compliance?

William Looney


Region in Reform? Access Pains and Gains in Latin America

Pharm Exec convenes a panel of biopharma executives responsible for the Latin America business to discuss investment, market access, and reimbursement issues in this key and challengingly diverse growth market for the life sciences industry

Andrea LaFountain


Where have all the Scientists Gone?

With an emphasis on short-term objectives rather than long-term goals, pharma is missing a huge opportunity in applying market science to drive adherence

Humphrey Taylor


Relaunching Reform

This time, powerful interest groups (like pharma) that sank the Clinton healthcare bill are on the side of change

Wendy Heckelman


The Changing Pharmaceutical Sales Landscape

Sales forces can achieve compliance and excellence through individual behavioral fine-tuning and company-wide cultural adjustment.

Raymond E. Schneider


The Push for Modern Manufacturing

Antiquated manufacturing processes cost pharma money-a fact widely known and accepted in the industry. At some facilities, rejected batches, rework, and lengthy investigations have become a way of life, and by some estimates can inflate production costs by as much as 10 percent. According to G.K. Raju, executive director of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, manufacturing consumes an estimated 25 percent of drug company revenues.

Eileen Erdos


Open Payments: Key Compliance Considerations

On June 30, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the first full year of data under The Affordable Care Act’s transparency program, also known as Open Payments or the "Sunshine Act." This included approximately 11.4 million records totaling about $6.5 billion in payments made to 607,000 physicians and 1,121 teaching hospitals by 1,444 reporting entities during 2014. Combined with CMS’s September 2014 release of 2013 data for the period Aug. 1, 2013 through Dec.

Bill Trombetta


22nd Annual Industry Audit: The Pharma Value Picture

A look at the performance of the top 15 companies across seven business-key metrics, including the latest standouts in market capitalization and creating shareholder value.

Dani Friedland


Connecting with Customers in Digital Space

Dani Friedland examines what Johnson & Johnson and other pharmaceutical companies are doing to succeed online.

Peggy Machak


Update from Washington: FDAMA

Last November, President Clinton formally signed into law the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act, sweeping bipartisan congressional legislation focused on reforming the agency's regulation of food, drugs, medical devices and cosmetics. Overall, the new law is considered a triumph by both the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the Biotechnology Industry Organization because it embraces many of the FDA legislative reform recommendations the industries had proposed to streamline the drug regulatory process.

Stan Bernard, MD, MBA


The Seven Deadly Sins of Product Launches

As more new products vie for payer and prescriber attention, the stakes around launch success are higher than ever. Stan Bernard outlines the key traps to avoid in getting things right - when it really counts.

Leo Brajkovich


Managing the Innovator

Innovative products, and the research and development teams that produce them, are pharma's life blood. So it's no surprise that, according to PE's 2003 Top 50 Pharma, the largest 20 pharma companies alone spent $45.5 billion on R&D.

Jennifer Ringler


Only Connect: Finding the Key to Digital Marketing

Jim Currie and Baber Ghauri talk to Pharm Exec about making connections that resonate with audiences in a digital world.

Stephen Kirkpatrick


Bottom Line Booster

Given the colossal revenue generated by just one blockbuster drug, it's no surprise that R&D always finds its way to the top of management's agenda. But now more than ever, pharmaceutical companies can't thrive on discovery alone. Price pressure from the public and private sectors drives companies to create savings through operational efficiencies. One of the biggest areas for financial gain"better management of capital assets"is often overlooked.

Shomik Mehndiratta, PhD


Optimal Pricing Strategies

Pricing has never been more of a key issue for the industry than it is right now. Yet, even with the increased importance of pricing strategies, a lack of focus on critical market factors leads many manufacturers to forego profits or increase their vulnerability to aggressive payers. Aligning pricing and contracting can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage-if product managers objectively assess a product's clinical benefits and address two key questions:

Nitin Jain, ZS Associates


Make Rebates Work

Process-driven managed-care rebating programs can drive profitability

Laura Ramos


Basic Training: Trends in Learning & Development Departments

Can pharma take its talent-and its earning potential-to the next level with employee education?

David Ormesher


Value Extraction: Mining for Gold in Late-Stage Products

In the second of three blogs on how digital strategy and a “data culture” can help define and deliver value, David Ormesher focuses on Value Extraction.

Andrew Sheivachman


Report Sees Huge Pharma Tax Hike Over Next Decade

A new study of industry tax professionals conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts higher taxes for Big Pharma in the wake of the global economic downturn. What can your company do to remain competitive and discover new incentives?