
James D. Rosener


One World, Many Regulations

The ability to compete globally is essential to success in the pharmaceutical industry. The current trend is to establish joint ventures, outsource various stages of the development and production of a single pharma product, and purchase or start an indigenous business in other countries.

Christina Hewes


Decision Making at Digital Speed

In an era in which companies can forfeit $1 million each day they delay a product launch-and being second can mean failure-pharma executives are under pressure to make risk and opportunity decisions in less time than ever.

Carol Ruth


Communicate With Confidence

Investors have lost confidence in the market. Specifically, they have lost confidence in the information coming out of corporate America.

Patricia Van Arnum


Bristol-Myers Squibb Sells Diabetes Business to AstraZeneca

Bristol-Myers Squibb has agreed to sell its global diabetes business that was part of its collaboration with AstraZeneca for $2.7 billion with potential regulatory- and sales-based milestone payments of up to $1.4 billion and will make royalty payments based on net sales through 2025.

Mary Jo Lamberti


Tracking Trial Cost Drivers: The Impact of Comparator Drugs and Co-Therapies

New research from the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development identifies a significant contributor to the rising cost of clinical trials-the first step in meeting a growing strategic imperative to help senior management and the regulatory community craft new approaches to make trials more efficient in delivering results to clinicians and patients.

Edward Fotsch


The Truth About E-Health

The returns are in, and they are not pretty. Janus Funds' billion-dollar investment in WebMD in 2000 now has a net value of roughly ten cents on the dollar, and many observers see WebMD as a winner in their space-whatever that space is now.

Pierre Morgon


Medical Affairs: From Info Gatekeeper to Legitimate Value Driver

The role of pharma medical affairs teams is taking on greater importance in the value chain.

TrialCard Inc.


September 2016: Your Hub is Your Secret Weapon to Improve Outcomes

Hubs can be the secret weapon to providing customized solutions to the industry-wide challenge of improving patient outcomes.

John Glasspool


Market Access is Dead: Patient Access is the New Prescription for Healthcare Marketing

Paradigms change when questions emerge the old paradigm can no longer answer. Market access has become a buzz word as access to markets is as significant a hurdle to product usage as registration itself. I

ZS Associates


Patients Outcomes Impact (POI™): The Evolution of Measuring Patient-Centered Investment

Michael Shaw, JD, and Sharon Suchotliff, MPH, from ZS, discuss why measuring impact through a patient-centric lens is a business imperative for life sciences companies. They explore key considerations for a key challenge when thinking about impact for patients in the real world- the compliant measurement of non-promotional activities, results from an early ZS proof of concept to determine Patient Outcomes Impact (POI™) metrics, and discuss what you can do today to advance POI™ at your organization.

Arthur Lazarus


Promotional Review Committees Shire Sets the Standard on Achieving High Performing Teams

What does it take for internal Promotional Review Committees to function at their best and avoid costly mistakes to the company? A leading industry practitioner offers 15 tips for high performing teams.

Allison Swan


Managers: Measure what really matters - results

A business plan and achievement log can help.

Gigi Hirsch


Doctors in the House

A growing number of physicians are expressing interest in working in the pharmaceutical industry. Many are motivated by the desire to get as far away from managed clinical care as possible. Others want to broaden their sphere of influence in healthcare-to move from treating one patient at a time to helping an entire patient population. Still others are excited by the chance to participate in well funded cutting-edge innovation or are influenced by colleagues who have moved into pharmaceutical medicine and are vocal about their enhanced career satisfaction.

Michael Christel


Jan van de Winkel: Antibody Ascension

Jan van de Winkel, PhD, president and CEO of Genmab, the longtime innovation engine in antibody drug development, discusses its vision for adding a new business identity: commercial driver.

Martino Hroncich


Strengthen your greatest asset: your voice

The quality of our voice can say more about us then the words we speak.

Claude Bergeron, M.Sc., A.S.A.


Outcomes Data: A Critical Insight for Market Access

Real-world pharmacoeconomic data can provide critical insight for maximizing US market access and oncology product differentiation, and should be central to the overall brand strategy of any oncology product

Debra Patt, M.D., M.P.H


Outcomes Data: A Critical Insight for Market Access

Real-world pharmacoeconomic data can provide critical insight for maximizing US market access and oncology product differentiation, and should be central to the overall brand strategy of any oncology product

Hellen Berger


Industry Growth Slowdown in Brazil

The Brazilian economy is being impacted by internal and external factors, and forecast figures are being quickly revised downwards. Market research released by Brazil’s Central Bank revised average analysts’ projections for economic growth in 2014 down to 0.70% from 0.90% four weeks earlier(1).

Anita Sirianni


Find a key to the impossible account

Since sales success starts by reaching the decision-maker, sales representatives must find creative ways to penetrate the barriers that surround the toughest accounts.

Andra Brichacek


Field of Dreams

Cancer makes neurology seem almost simple by comparison. Cancers come in a nearly infinite variety. Yet their mechanisms, scientists now surmise, may reside in the same place-deep inside the cell. DNA, genes, and cellular proteins play key roles in both disease areas.