Outlook “Gloomy” for TB Investment
March 24th 2014The approval last year of Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) treatment for tuberculosis (bedaquiline) - at the time the first TB drug approval in 40 years - “remains an exception to the generally gloomy outlook” for investment in TB R&D, writes Andrew Ward in this week’s Financial Times.
Digital Summit Preview: Improving Brand Engagement
March 18th 2014It’s no secret that the use of digital marketing in the life sciences industry has evolved considerably in recent years. The tools and strategies necessary for pharma brand teams to effectively engage with an increasingly more educated and informed consumer pool are seemingly advancing, or at least being modified, regularly.
Social Media Raise Concerns for Marketers, Trial Sponsors
March 12th 2014While biopharmaceutical companies are using websites and third-party postings to provide information on medical products - despite a host of regulatory issues - social media use is in its infancy related to the design and conduct of clinical trials.
ACA Rollout Raises Ante for Patient Access and Assistance
March 11th 2014Amid the looming March 31 deadline for remaining uninsured and underinsured Americans to purchase health insurance mandated by the Affordable Care Act (6 million newly Medicaid-eligible individuals are expected to enroll), pharmaceutical manufacturers and other key players in this space are emphasizing the importance of enhancing access to medications for the now rapidly expanding patient base.
"Close Call" for American Rx Marketers on Medicare Part D
March 11th 2014As the U.S. heads towards a public market place in which Medicare, Medicaid, CHIPs, VA, and now Obamacare will shortly comprise almost 70% of the American healthcare market, American Rx marketers recently endured a “close call” with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over the arbitrary deletion of dozens of key drugs from a major American public Rx platform – Medicare Part D.
Unlock The True Value of Digital Communication: Knowledge, Motivation, Context
March 6th 2014Interaction between pharma representatives and doctors has traditionally been a paper-based and static experience in which the representative enters with one-quarter of a campaign in hand and then tries to deliver the remaining pieces three more times through the year.