
Alex Aboshiha


Launch for Long-Term Success

Study examines why a pharma brand’s early sales are not a trusted predictor for total lifetime value-it’s about driving waves of growth.

Richard M. Bayney


Portfolio Management Health Check

For pharma, diagnosing what ails or strengthens performance in this critical corporate discipline may help reshape business prognosis.

Christen Harm


Episode 59: Using Tau to Target Alzheimer’s

Janice Kranz, co-founder of Eikonizo Therapeutics, bring us up to date on how targeting tau to fight Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases is making waves in the CNS space.

John Lawrie


Data Curation: The Lifeblood of Organizational Efficiency

This year, data curation will become as important as document authoring and sit at the core of companies that are nimbly adjusting to an ever-changing marketplace, writes John Lawrie.

Christopher Rudolf


AI-based Social Listening as Aid to Pharmacovigilance

How artificial intelligence can help pharma filter out the online noise when monitoring for safety signals on the web.

Dawn Lacallade


Pharma Companies Can Solve the Social Media Adverse Events Reporting Problem and Stop Worrying

Organizations can now confidently leverage social media and messaging platforms to market and share content, writes Dawn Lacallade.

Emil Eifrem


Meaningful Insights with Graph Technology

Emil Eifrem examines how life science researchers can uncover new insights using the in-built power of graph technology.

Bagrat Lalayan


What's Behind the Clinical Innovation Gap?

In terms of important clinical benefits and outcomes, modern biotech products have rarely shown the advantages of older generations of drugs, writes Bagrat Lalayan.



Real-World Data Networks: Automating & Reducing the Burden of Clinical Studies and Registries

Mon, Aug 8, 2022 1:00pm EST | 10:00am PST | 7:00pm CEST Real-world data networks are changing how data is collected and leveraged for evidence generation. A tech-enabled platform approach can significantly automate and reduce the burden of clinical study programs and registries, improve site and patient engagement and lower costs.



The Future of EIM, OpenText and Documentum

A conversation with Adam Howatson, CMO, OpenText

Loic Plantevin and Christoph Schlegel and Maria Gordian


Reinventing the Role of Medical Affairs

As digital technologies transform drug development and marketing, a retooled medical affairs function can be a competitive differentiator.

Barri Blauvelt


Upward Mobility: Optimizing Your Pharma T-Profile

With lessons and perspectives from the field, the importance of harnessing the right combination of skills to advance up and across career ladders is explored.

Chris Conner


Customer Experience: A Buzz Term or a Source of Real Commercial Value?

Exploring the importance of a customer experience strategy (CXM) through a case study of a life science tools company.

Gregg Fisher, Kevin Michels-Kim


Beyond KOL Marketing: Tapping Digital Opinion Influencers

With healthcare professionals and patients now collecting much of their information online, there is new opportunity for “digital opinion influencers” to amplify traditional KOL messaging-or create their own.

Pamela Buffone


Specialty Pharma and Patient Privacy Protection

Pamela Buffone from Privacy Analytics discusses growth in the specialty pharma sector and making patient data protection a top priority.

Kristina Dolan


Compliance in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Marketer's Perspective

Multi-channel marketing manager Adi Borovick discusses the implications of compliance for marketers in a world where new technologies being created every day.

Brad Thompson


Deregulation Helps Pharma Companies Pursue Digital Health Strategies

In the 21st Century Cures Act, Congress excluded from FDA regulation certain clinical decision support, or CDS, software.

Dave Thompson


Insights from ISPOR 2017

A look at evidence and value in a time of social and policy change.

Jackie DeAngelis


Launching a New Drug: An Overview of Common Mistakes

Jackie DeAngelis outlines three common mistakes that hinder access attainment when launching a new drug.

Bob Swindell


South Florida Delivers on Pharma-Friendly Distribution

This article discusses the supply chain benefits of pharma companies distributing from South Florida.

Gregg Fisher


Harnessing the Value of AI In Customer Engagement

By using correct data and pertinent ML algorithms, customer engagement leaders can identify deep insights into customer behavior and make the right interventions to transform the customer experience.