
Annalisa Jenkins, MBBS, FRCP


Clinical Trials Don't Have to Cost Too Much or Take Too Long

A discussion of the cost and time put into clinical trials.

Gen Li, PhD, MBA


Clinical Trials Don't Have to Cost Too Much or Take Too Long

A discussion of the cost and time put into clinical trials.

Stephen Arlington, PhD


Clinical Trials Don't Have to Cost Too Much or Take Too Long

A discussion of the cost and time put into clinical trials.

Paul Chew, MD


KOLs: An Endangered Buzzword

KOLs have traditionally exerted their influence through research and publication on drug safety and efficacy, but now share the stage with other important measures.

Ashley Slavik


The GDPR: A Journey to Compliance

Ashley Slavic details how Veeva Systems prepared for the EU data protection regulation, and what others can learn from the experience

Keith Bailey


How to Select the Right Consultant

A variety of consultant options are available to the pharma industry; this article is a 3-step guide to selecting the right consultant.

Douglas Bock


How to Select the Right Consultant

A variety of consultant options are available to the pharma industry; this article is a 3-step guide to selecting the right consultant.

Ellen Coleman


Patient Advocacy: an Overlooked Strategy for Achieving Equitable Market Success?

Ellen Coleman outlines the highlights of a recent webinar on ensuring that patient advocacy is a key element of a market access strategy.

Nobuko Kobayashi


Japan: Balancing Cost and Innovation through Pricing

Global pharma companies and Japan can create a win-win situation through a new pricing mechanism, writes Nobuko Kobayashi.

Adrian Leibert


Improving Regulatory Resource Management through Systematic Measurement

As submissions complexity intensifies, the key to better resource management is better measurement, writes Adrian Leibert.

Oracle Health Sciences


2021 Research: The Impact of New Clinical Trial Approaches Adopted During Pandemic

***Live: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 11 EDT | 8am PDT | 5pm CEST | 4pm BST*** Oracle Health Sciences reveals new research conducted to understand the technology adaptations that were made to clinical trials during the pandemic, the effect of these adaptations, and the impact of these changes on the future of clinical trials.

Brian Kennedy


Engaging with Stakeholders In the Information Age

With so much information readily available companies have lost a significant level of control over how and when details about their progress in drug development and planning related to approval, launch, and commercialization are disseminated.

Andrew Butcher


Engaging with Stakeholders In the Information Age

With so much information readily available companies have lost a significant level of control over how and when details about their progress in drug development and planning related to approval, launch, and commercialization are disseminated.

Doug Caldwell


Cloud Levels Playing Field for Emerging Life Sciences Companies

A discussion of the benefits that a cloud-based strategy has to offer.

Tony Owens


Digital Transformation: What's the Cost of Doing Nothing?

Right now, the smartest incumbents are channeling the forces of disruption to their own ends, leading digital transformation in order to avoid being left behind, writes Tony Owens.

Angie Drakulich


Atypical Visible Particles: Can Users and Makers Find Common Ground?

In April 2012, industry experts discussed the issue of atypical visible particles in pharmaceutical raw materials, including excipients, at the joint International Pharmaceutical Excipient Council’s (IPEC) Regulatory Conference and ExcipientFest-Americas Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Stephanie Sutton


Pharma's Most Productive Innovators: The Top Ten

Consultancy firm IDEA Pharma has released what it calls a ‘Productive Innovation Index’, which ranks pharmaceutical companies based on their ability to successfully commercialize new innovations.

Rafael Natanek and George Eliades


Why "Episodes" Matter for Doctors

A customer "episode" is a key unit of management that can produce significant growth and cost savings, writes George Eliades.

Boris Bogdan, M.D


New Product Launch Playbook: Shaking up Status Quo in Pharma Marketing

In this demanding environment, yesterday’s product launch playbook can no longer be relied upon to yield the expected patient or business outcomes, writes Boris Bogdan.

LexisNexis® Health Care


How to Select the Right Data Partner to Benefit Your Business

LexisNexis Risk Solutions takes you inside the key considerations of making the all-important choice to partner with a data provider. Go beyond the well-polished sales pitches and understand the underlying implication of finding the right fit across 5 critical areas of business.

Tom Kottler


It’s Time for a Chief Adherence Officer

Op-Ed: The best way to capitalize on the potential revenue influx from enterprise-level drug adherence programs is to create room at the executive table for a Chief Adherence Officer.

Mir Imran


Lessons on the Innovation Journey

Rani Therapeutics CEO Mir Imran recounts the lessons he's learned in founding more than 20 life sciences companies and developing more than 400 patents.

Miranda Wheatley Price


Building a Key Account Organization: 5 Power Questions

If companies are serious about building a sustainable organization for their employees and becoming a partner to key accounts, they need to be prepared to remodel their whole business around it, writes Miranda Wheatley Price.

Melissa Leonhauser


Leveraging Lab Data in Advent of Personalized Marketing

Laboratory testing has become a critical access point for sales teams in the age of personalized medicine.

Sudip Parikh


Piecing Together the Pricing Puzzle: The Midterm Elections

There is no magic bullet that will dramatically impact drug pricing to everybody’s liking. But a stepwise approach involving a series of reforms, including taking advantage of the next midterm elections, could point the path toward a solution.

Meghan Burke


What Can Pharmaceutical Companies do to Feel Better About Reputation?

Reputation Institute study finds that the reputation of pharma companies is in decline and might get worse before it gets better.

Sebastian Bather


Nurse Educators: Bridging China's Patient Care Gap

China's nurse educator program aims to improve quality of care and make life simpler for physicians handling high patient load. Sebastian Bather reports.