
Lynn Taylor


3 Tips for Successful Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare

A list of three key elements when looking at public-private partnerships to tackle public health challenges.

Chad Storlie


Army Leadership Lessons: Develop Leaders Three Levels Down

Chad Storlie draws on military training to outline how all industries and organisations can create great junior leaders.

Maude Schmidt and Giovanni Saldutti


Emerging Collaboration in EU Drug Pricing and Reimbursement: A Beneluxa Case Study

Maude Schmidt and Giovanni Saldutti look at the intergovernmental initiatives involving joint price negotiations developed across Europe as the Beneluxa Initiative on Pharmaceutical Policy to explore the outcomes and implications from these alliances.

Amy Jones


AI and Benefit Verification: Providing Faster Access to Medicines

Benefit verification (BV) provides a detailed understanding of out of pocket costs for the prescribed treatment. Amy Jones details how AI is aiding the BV process.

Himanshu Jain


Enabling a Single Integrated View of Critical Real-World Data with Analytics as a Service

Analytics as a service can provide critical accelerators for the commercial transformation program at a life sciences organization, writes Himanshu Jain.

Jane Z. Reed, PhD.


What Natural Language Processing Can Do for Pharmacos: 3 Real-World Use Cases

Many real-world data sources contain unstructured text, making it difficult and time-consuming to glean actionable insights from the data. Natural language processing technology can alleviate this problem, writes Jane Z. Reed.

Barry S. Sall, Angela X. Qu, MD, PhD


Navigating the Increasing Complexity of Drug-Biomarker Co-Development

To succeed in developing targeted medicines, companies need a biomarker strategy and the expertise to make smart decisions about clinical trial design, assays, technology platforms and collaborative partners, write Barry S. Sall and Angela X. Qu.

Donald Han


Improving Management of Gene and Cell Therapies

An overview of Orphan Reinsurer and Benefit Managers groups, including potential challenges with the model and various model suggestions.

Gregory L. Warren


Improving Management of Gene and Cell Therapies

An overview of Orphan Reinsurer and Benefit Managers groups, including potential challenges with the model and various model suggestions.

Mark Trusheim


Aligning Contracting to Solve for Payer Risks Is a Win for Biopharma, Payers, and Patients

Upcoming regulatory changes to create new opportunity for specialized offerings.

Michael Ciarametaro


Improving Management of Gene and Cell Therapies

An overview of Orphan Reinsurer and Benefit Managers groups, including potential challenges with the model and various model suggestions.

Daniel S. Mytelka


Improving Management of Gene and Cell Therapies

An overview of Orphan Reinsurer and Benefit Managers groups, including potential challenges with the model and various model suggestions.

Mark Pelletier


Five Features to Ensure Lab-ready Buildings

A list of five essential features a building must have in order to be considered lab-ready.

Charlie Bell


The ‘Spare-No-Expense’ Alternative

How low-cost drugs can succeed in the specialty pharmacy channel.

William Febbo


Aligning Tactics with the Goals of Value-Based Care

The marketing challenge for pharmaceutical companies has now shifted to "How can we successfully and cost-effectively assist providers in orchestrating better care?" William Febbo reports.

Aswin Chandrakantan


Building Healthcare's "Ground Truth" with AI

For pharma leaders, AI can bring about a new reality of seeing a multitude of possible paths, forecasting the interplay of multi-dimensional trends, and charting patient journeys that are based on reality, writes Aswin Chandrakantan.

Colin Hayward, FFPM


Small Biotechs Gain As the Span of Clinical Trial Outsourcing Grows

Small biotech companies benefit more from partnering with CROs rather than hiring a chief medical officer.

Shaun McMahon


Learning, Retaining, Applying Information: Preparing Reps for Success in the Field

Thee most effective way to train sales reps and boost their success is to consider the learner/user experience in all facets, in every training encounter, and on each training platform, writes Shaun McMahon.

Amber Gilbert


Is Pharma Losing the Centerpiece of Its Market Access Toolbox?

With employers and the public scrutinizing drug prices like never before, rebates-long at the center of pharma’s market access strategy-may be losing their luster, writes Amber Gilbert.

Heather Goodman


How DSCSA Changes the Licensing Landscape

A look at the Drug SUpply Chain Security Act and how it impacts serialization and third-party logistics licensing.

Peter Houston


Closing Pharma’s Digital Divide

Overcoming the challenges of digital brand management will involve choices in spending and channels.

Nancy Pollini


Managing Local Language Regulatory Submissions

The call to reduce market entry times for life-saving new drug therapies is becoming more urgent. What constitutes best practice in managing translations in today’s regulatory affairs environment? Nancy Pollini reports.

Paul A. Laudicina


What the Age of Multi-Localism Means for Pharma

New realities are transforming the global environment and upending a business model based on the presumption of ever more connected markets. Paul A. Laudicina asks, What does this new age mean for pharma?

Bob Mauch


Driving Access to the Most Efficient Form of Healthcare

A look at the pharmaceutical value chain and how pricing concerns and patient centricity fits in to improving access.

Daniel Gold


Curing Big Pharma’s Litigation Spend Woes with Data-Driven Medicine

Daniel Gold looks at the benefits of centralising an organization's data in a core repository and adopting a comprehensive business intelligence strategy.